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Teshini Harrison is preparing for a role in the world’s highest court

York U "This is my Time" advertisementAlready a citizen of the world, Teshini Harrison is preparing to use her proficiency in languages and studies in political science as a student at Glendon to play a role in the world’s highest court.

Her vision for York’s “this is my time” campaign is both powerful and moving: “2031: I am a judge on the International Court of Justice”. To achieve her vision, Harrison will mobilize her prowess in three languages to relate to other people and cultures in a meaningful way as she works for a more just world. As part of the York University education that will prepare Harrison for her future role, she is currently on a one-year international exchange in Brussels at l’Universite libre de Bruxelles.

“Glendon is the perfect starting point for Teshini to pursue her dream. Our founding mission: to prepare leaders for public life within Canada and around the world,” says Glendon Principal Kenneth McRoberts. “As one of the few University campuses in the country to focus exclusively on the liberal arts, we graduate students who are recognized for their critical thinking and problem solving abilities, their adaptability in an evolving global workplace, and their communication skills in English, French, and often at least a third language.”

In today’s global community, knowledge, information and technology flow freely between people of diverse languages and cultures, making languages an important tool and a key advantage for Harrison and other Glendon graduates.

“When you consider our built-in bilingual certification for all students, international and trilingual degrees, hundreds of internationally oriented courses and the number of students studying abroad each year – it’s no wonder we boast a who’s who of international alumni working as judges and ambassadors, including a recent Canadian ambassador to the United Nations,” says McRoberts. “We look forward to adding Teshini’s name to this list!”

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