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Social business changes dynamics of collaboration

“With the blistering pace of today’s technological change, preparing future business leaders with tools they’ll need to thrive in 2020 is a tall task.[…]York University’s Schulich School of Business recently joined forces with IBM to launch an incubation project in social business involving 400 students,” co-wrote Jean Adams, professor of policy specialization at Schulich, in the Financial Post Nov. 26. “The purpose of the project is to give students first-hand experience using social business tools for a term project to create a business plan.” Read full story.

Ford says left-wing conspiracy got him booted out
The legal action against Mayor Rob Ford was launched by businessman Paul Magder, who argued the mayor violated the rules when he took part in a council vote over repayment of $3,150 in donations he had solicited for his private football foundation using official city letterhead, reported the Hamilton Spectator and others Nov. 26.…Rob MacDermid, a political science professor at York University, said it should not have been up to Magder to tackle Ford.…“There has to be a better way”. Read full story.

Ford’s appeal: Four potential outcomes
Rob Ford has vowed to appeal, but what happens when he does? When Ford appeals, his lawyer will ask for a stay of the judgment, meaning Ford would remain mayor during the appeal process. A stay might be granted to avoid plunging council into chaos as they scramble to find an interim mayor, said Trevor Farrow, a law professor in administration of justice at York University’s Osgoode Hall Law School, in the Toronto Star Nov. 26. Read full story.

Is the Ford ruling undemocratic?
The ruling demonstrates that the city takes the issue of conflict of interest seriously – “as we should,” said Allan Hutchinson, professor at York University’s Osgoode Hall Law School, in the Toronto Star Nov. 26. Democracy, he said, is not just about voting candidates into office – it’s about ensuring politicians are accountable to the electorate. That includes complying with laws. Read full story.

EU wants investor compensation for Canada’s health and environment policies
The European Union wants Canada to agree to compensate European companies for any losses that stem from changes to health, environment or safety rules in Canada.…The union is also arguing for better investor access to the telecom industry, and wants Canada to exempt its companies from the net benefits test the government routinely applies to approve or reject foreign takeovers. “They’re opening up this Pandora’s box,” said Gus Van Harten, professor at York’s Osgoode Hall Law School, in the Toronto Star and others Nov. 26. Read full story.

The politics of a Somali belonging in Kenya
Iman Hassan, political science student at York University, reflects on her trip to Nairobi, and her dismay at finding that she and other Somalis are no longer welcome in her home country, in Mail & Guardian Nov. 27. Read full story.

Mitigating international supply chain risks
David Johnston, professor of operations and information systems at York’s Schulich School of Business, participated in a panel of experts assembled by the Financial Post to highlight emerging and traditional supply chain risks, and offer insight on what can be done to mitigate the impact of the unexpected, Nov. 22. Read full story.

York in the Media
