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York spirit: The Red and White photo contest winners are...

York University spirit can be found in every corner of the campus. On March 26, York University community members were invited to wear Red & White or York gear and submit a photograph of their York spirit.  Photos were submitted to Red & White Day organizers for a chance to win prizes.

The photos were selected by three panels of judges. Serving on the panels were: Alice Pitt, vice-provost academic; Morgan Russell, secretary to the president; Jessica Thyriar, vice-president campus life, York Federation of Students; Pavel Graymason, sustainability engagement coordinator, Office of the President; Barbara Crow, interim dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies and AVP Graduate; Jairam Kallidumbil, student relations assistant, Student Community & Leadership Development; Kasra Amidi-Rad, Students 4 York; Kashfia Mahmud, finance and projects assistant, Office of the President; and Sarah Millington, administrative officer, University Secretariat.

For more on York University’s twice yearly Red & White Spirit Days, see YFile, March 28, or visit the Red & White Day website.

Here are the winning photos (drum roll):

Faculty of Health Professor Walter Dyba’s class photo, Coaching- KIN 2475, was selected as Best in Class Spirit

Faculty of Health Professor Walter Dyba’s class photo, Coaching- KIN 2475, was selected as Best in Class Spirit








Students in the School of Nursing in the Faculty of Health submitted an energetic photo that was selected winner of the Most Creative Spirit, Student/Student group category

Faculty and staff in the School of Nursing in the Faculty of Health submitted an energetic photo that was selected winner of the Most Creative Spirit (Staff or Faculty unit) category








 The student-run Kendo Club won in the Best Use of Props/Surroundings category

The student-run Kendo Club won in the Best Use of Props/Surroundings category












Staff from the Office of Admissions, Recruitment and Marketing, in the Division of Students won the Most Creative Spirit, Staff/Faculty unit category

Staff from the Office of Admissions, Recruitment and Marketing, in the Division of Students won the Best Use of Props (Staff or Faculty unit) category









The prize for the Most Creative Spirit Staff/Faculty unit) category went to the  Housing Office

The prize for the Most Creative Spirit (Staff or Faculty unit) category went to the Housing Office