Demeter Press is seeking submissions for an upcoming collection, Motherhood and Lone/Single Parenting: A 21st-Century Perspective.
This collection aims to explore and illuminate the recent landscape of 21st-century debates, policies and experiences surrounding single motherhood and one-parent headed families.
As was the case in the 20th century, the majority of individuals parenting on their own and heading one-parent families in the 21st century continue to be mothers. Even so, family patterns and norms are showing the distinctiveness of the moment, reflecting changing trends in globalization, technology, political, economic and social policy, demographics, employment and legislation.
Maki Motapanyane, a women’s studies professor at Mount Royal University, is editing this collection. She welcomes perspectives from a range of disciplines and cultural perspectives. Visit Demeter Press website for more details and a list of topics.
The deadline for abstracts is Feb. 15. Please direct all submissions and inquiries to Motapanyane at
Demeter Press is an independent feminist press committed to publishing peer-reviewed scholarly work, fiction, poetry and creative non-fiction by and about mothers, mothering and family issues. It is the publishing arm of the Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement, founded and directed by York women’s studies Professor Andrea O'Reilly, on sabbatical this year.