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Forget about a spring election in Ontario

York University Professor Thomas Klassen, a prolific author in York’s political science department, figures a spring election is unlikely because the three parties are too close in the polls. The recent byelection results make it clear no party can expect a majority and no party has taken an “ideological stand” on which they could fight an election, he says. “My sense is that a good number of Ontarians like the current situation with the Liberals having to get support from one of the other parties,” he said in the Toronto Sun March 23, adding that the NDP and Tories would have more difficulty leading in a minority situation. Read full story.

First game of new season gives hope to long-suffering TFC supporters
Toronto FC season ticket sales – which are capped out at 17,000 this season – rocketed from around 15 per cent before the announcement of Defoe and Bradley to 92 per cent of the maximum within mere days of the big unveiling at Real Sports Bar and Grill in Toronto. . . . “This is almost a launching point for the brand to become bigger. Because MLSE has aspirations for the Toronto FC brand to be a global brand, not just a brand in Canada or in North America,” said Vijay Setlur, a sports-marketing instructor at York University’s Schulich School of Business, in The Globe and Mail March 21. Read full story.

Brampton student switches roles with vice-chancellor for a day
When Emanuel Ebrahim, a 21-year-old York University student, traded places with the school’s vice-chancellor and president for a day early this week (March 19), he didn’t mind being in driver’s seat – temporarily, reported the Mississauga News March 22. Read full story.

Full disclosure on Ontario Press Council ruling against Star: Public Editor
It is no secret that the Toronto Star opposes secrecy and demands openness of information about all matters of public interest, reported the Toronto Star March 21. . . . Given this, it should not surprise anyone here that some readers questioned why an article published in the Star this week about an Ontario Press Council decision against the Star named the York University professor whose complaint was upheld but did not name the Star reporter or others involved in what was clearly a lapse of the Star’s journalistic standards and our own accountability process. Read full story.

Week ahead: What to do March 23 to 29
Is free speech in universities endangered? National Post columnist Barbara Kay will argue in favour, while Daniel Drache of York University will argue against the resolution on Thursday, March 28 at 7pm, Canadian War Museum, reported the Ottawa Citizen March 24. Read full story.

Transforming tiny terrors with 'self-regulation' might change the makeup of Canada's classrooms
A new method of developing "self-regulation" in children could transform the way teachers and parents alike can cope with behavioural problems, by handing control back to the child, reported the Toronto Sun March 22. York University Professor Stuart Shanker, who piloted a wildly successful program in the Yukon and B.C., calls it nothing less than "a scientific revolution in our understanding of a core mechanism in the brain" – how it works, and how it impacts not just a child's learning, but regulating emotions and helping form friendships. Read full story.

Raitt’s comments unconvincing
“I find Transport Minister Lisa Raitt’s claim that disclosing greater information regarding the movement of dangerous goods by rail through urban areas would pose a security risk far from compelling,” wrote York University environmental studies Professor Mark S. Winfield the Toronto Star March 24. Read full story.