Calling all students - want to have a say in York University’s sustainability and social justice policies? Then get involved by running to be a part of the President's Sustainability Council Student Sub-Committee (PSCSS) for the 2014/2015 academic year. Successful candidates will get the chance to work with students, faculty and staff on a wide variety of sustainability issues in campus operations, social justice and human rights, administration, and curriculum.
The President's Sustainability Council Student Sub-Committee is a student advisory body that engages with the President’s Sustainability Council (PSC) to advance the student voice on sustainability at York University. The council and its working groups meet regularly throughout the academic year, offering students an excellent opportunity to engage with other stakeholders on sustainability at York, and to ensure that the ideas and concerns of students are heard.
Elections will be held for the positions of Chair, Student Representative, Secretary and Outreach Coordinator, and will take place Tuesday, April 15th from 10:30 - 12:00pm in the Kaneff Tower, room 1048. Membership in the PSCSS is open to any student interested in advancing sustainability initiatives at York.
For more information on the PSCSS, including descriptions of each of the positions, visit the PSCSS page on the sustainability site, or send an email to or