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Professor receives ‘Master Teacher in Ethics’ award

Mark Schwartz

Mark Schwartz

Mark Schwartz, professor of management and business ethics in the School of Administrative Studies in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, taught a “Master Class in Business Ethics” on July 31 during the fourth Teaching Ethics at Universities Conference. The distinction included the presentation of a Master Teacher in Ethics Award to Schwartz. The conference was hosted by the Wheatley Institution and the Marriott School of Management at Brigham Young University, along with the Society for Business Ethics.

Faculty selected for the Master Teacher in Ethics Award are considered by Brigham Young University to be among the best ethics faculty in North America. Schwartz is only the second Canadian academic to receive this distinction. Schwartz has also received teaching awards at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, Tel Aviv University, Bar Ilan University, as well as at York University’s Schulich School of Business and School of Administrative Studies.

As part of the award, Schwartz was asked to teach a class as he would teach to students at York University. He taught a session on corporate social responsibility, but from an ethical perspective. The class was followed by a question and answer session with fellow business ethics professors. The two other professors being honoured included Patricia Werhane, Wicklander Chair in Business Ethics at DePaul University, and Steve Albrecht, Andersen Foundation Professor of Accounting at Brigham Young University.

A video of Schwartz’s presentation in the master class will be available later this year.