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How did Chinese gynecology become Korean?

York Centre for Asian Research (YCAR) presents, “How did Chinese Gynecology become Korean? A Comparative Case Study of ‘Women’s Diseases’ ” taking place on Feb. 12 from 3 to 5pm in 280A York Lanes.

Yi-Li Wu

Yi-Li Wu

The speaker, Yi-Li Wu, is a Research Fellow of the EASTmedicine Research Cluster at the University of Westminster. She will be referencing The Precious Mirror of Eastern Medicine (Dongui bogam, 1613), a foundational work of Korean medicine.

The Precious Mirror of Eastern Medicine is a groundbreaking piece that has been listed on the UNESCO Memory of the World Register. The author, the imperial physician Heo Jun (1539-1615), synthesized Chinese classical medicine with local knowledge to articulate a specifically Korean approach to healing.

This talk will examine how Jun transformed Chinese teachings on female blood and childbirth to create a new model of the gendered female medical body. In addition to providing an illuminating case study of medical exchange in East Asia; Jun’s work suggests new ways of thinking about the relationship between society, gender and medicine in China and Korea.

This multi-year lecture series is part of the 2014-15 Knowledge Production in East Asia seminar series.

For more information visit the York Centre for Asian Research website.