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Community open forum Dec. 10 to consider next academic plan

Community members are invited to attend and participate in an academic planning forum on the next University Academic Plan (UAP) that is being hosted by the Policy, Planning & Research Committee (APPRC) of the Senate of York University. The forum will take place on Thursday, Dec. 10, from 9:30 to 11:45am in the Founders Assembly Hall, 152 Founders College, on the Keele campus.

The forum has been scheduled at a critical stage in the development of the Senate-approved UAP for 2015-20. The forum has been designed to be interactive, and it follows on the suggestions received from Senate committees, faculty councils and individuals, and augmented by input gathered from a survey. Some 600 University community members, including alumni, undergraduate and graduate students, have shared their thoughts on the next UAP.

The Chair of APPRC, Faculty of Health Professor Rebecca Pillai Riddell, will moderate and open the proceedings with an overview of the UAP and the current process. York University's Vice-President Academic and Provost Rhonda Lenton and Vice-President Research and Innovation Robert Haché will also make brief remarks prior to the start of the forum.

Discussion at the forum will be held in breakout groups. APPRC members will facilitate discussion and report back from breakouts to the plenary. Each of breakout groups will focus on one of six priority areas that the APPRC has proposed in a draft outline of the UAP that has been prepared for the forum. These areas of focus are:

  • innovative academic programs;
  • increased achievement in scholarship, research and creative activities;
  • enhanced teaching and student learning;
  • increased student success;
  • enhanced campus experience; and
  • enhanced engagement with the community.

Breakout participants will be asked to consider two key aspects of these proposed priority areas: specific initiatives that should be pursued and how best to assess progress.

Those planning to attend the forum should prepare by reading the UAP discussion paper.

Space is limited and attendees are asked to confirm attendance by filling out the online form.