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Prof. Elizabeth Dauphinee presents upcoming McLaughlin Lunch Talk Jan. 26

York U political science Professor Elizabeth Dauphinee will present the next talk in the McLaughlin College Lunch Talk Series on Jan. 26 from noon to 1:30pm.

Elizabeth Dauphinee

Elizabeth Dauphinee

Entitled “The Accidental Theorist”, the discussion will explore how creative writing is currently changing the scholarly landscape of academic international relations.

Dauphinee will talk about the catalysts that led her to write her first novel, The Politics of Exile, and about how both theory and politics converge in everyday encournters.

Dauphinee joined the Department of Political Science at York U in 2008. She earned a PhD at York in 2005, with a diploma in International and Security Studies. Her research interests involve ethics and international relations theory, autoethnographic approaches, and narrative forms of writing international relations.

She is also interested in how the experience of emotion shapes knowledge.

Everyone is welcome to attend this event that is hosted by the Office of the Master, McLaughlin College. The event takes place in the Senior Common Room, 140 McLaughlin College. Light refreshments will be served. Contact Vicky Carnevale at ext. 33824 or to RSVP or for further details.