York University President and Vice-Chancellor has issued the following message to the University community:

Noël Badiou
I am writing to let you know that Noël Badiou, Executive Director, Centre for Human Rights, has accepted a position as Assistant Vice-President, Diversity, Equity and Human Rights at Laurentian University. His last day at York will be February 26, 2016, and he will be taking up his new position at Laurentian on April 1, 2016.
On behalf of the University, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to Noël for the many important contributions he has made at York during his seven years of dedicated service. Noël joined the University in July 2008 after serving as Executive Director of the Court Challenges Program of Canada, a national nonprofit organization that provides financial assistance for court cases that advance equality and language rights.
As Executive Director of the Centre for Human Rights, Noël has done an outstanding job providing oversight and timely and appropriate handling of confidential human rights enquiries and complaints. He directed the work of the Centre, as well as oversaw and implemented a number of other projects and initiatives across the University.
A subject matter expert on relevant legislation and York's human rights policies, procedures and practices, Noël helped to ensure a coordinated approach to resolving complaints without recourse to the formal processes of the Ontario Human Rights Commission or other external processes. This included providing education and information as well as designing and implementing preventative strategies. In this regard, he served as a liaison between individuals and groups at the University and between the individuals and groups and the University's administration, serving as a communicator and informed conciliator, as appropriate. He also advised the community as to processes and steps involved in advancing and resolving issues related to human rights and equity at York, and recommended policy and procedural changes where required to align with legislation, York’s policies, mission and mandate.
Noël was responsible for the implementation and oversight of a case management system and complaint evaluation program, which will ensure that all elements of the complaints resolution process are aligned and carried out to industry standards. He was also responsible for the creation, implementation and oversight of initiatives for educating students, faculty and staff on human rights and equity-related issues, including the preparation of communication materials, education, training and awareness-raising events. He helped to ensure that analyses of human rights trends in the community were conducted regularly so that future education programming would be current and address the needs of the University.
Under Noël’s leadership, the Centre for Human Rights has contributed significantly to York University’s vision of and commitment to social justice and accessible education. In keeping with York’s commitment to transparency and accountability, Noël oversaw the publication of annual reports on the Centre’s initiatives and activities, as well as statistics on complaints and enquiries received and consultations provided.
Noël has been a vital advisor in, and contributor to, the building of a respectful, equitable, diverse and inclusive culture and community at York, offering his considerable expertise, insight and understanding to advancing, promoting, and upholding human rights in accordance with provincial human rights legislation and the University’s policies.
As we pursue a new permanent appointment for the Centre’s Executive Director using the University’s standard recruitment procedures, we will be appointing an interim director, who will be named shortly.
We extend our very best wishes to Noël as he takes up his new role at Laurentian, and thank him for his dedicated leadership and service to the advancement of York University.
Mamdouh Shoukri
President and Vice-Chancellor