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York student earns two gold medals in national karate championship

A York University student was recently decorated with two gold medals at the 2016 Karate Canada Nationals.

Haya Jumaa

Haya Jumaa

Haya Jumaa, a third-year kinesiology and health science student, will add the top rankings to her long list of notable achievements in karate.

She has been practicing karate since the age of three, and since starting to compete has earned a total of 33 medals – 28 gold, three silver and two bronze.

“I did lots of training at York U that helped me,” she said, “my York coaches helped me a lot, working on my strength training and track and field. It helped me to stay fit and maintain my stamina.”

Jumaa moved to Canada just over two years ago, and before moving here she won a gold medal and a bronze medal in the World Cup Championships.

She said when she receives her Canadian citizenship she will aim represent Canada in the 2018 World Championship and the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo.