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Lainey Gossip guest lectures at York U

Food Services welcomed special guest Elaine “Lainey” Lui to York University on Thursday, Feb. 11 when she presented the Canadian university premiere of her lecture series on the Faculty of Celebrity Studies.

Food Services welcomed special guest Elaine “Lainey” Lui to York University when she presented her lecture series on the Faculty of Celebrity Studies

Food Services welcomed special guest Elaine “Lainey” Lui to York University when she presented her lecture series on the Faculty of Celebrity Studies

A talk show host on The Social and reporter on CTV’s etalk, Lui stopped by York U to present her guest lecture based on her previous TEDx talk and other guest appearances.

Presented by Food Services in partnership with Aramark Canada and vitaminwater, York University was the first university in Canada to host her Faculty of Celebrity Studies lecture series, which came about as a way to inform students about how gossip and Hollywood are reflections into everyday life.

Approximately 75 students were in attendance as Lui discussed societal stereotypes of gossip and cultural norms.

Lui introduced and sparked many discussions on current cultural issues, using celebrities as key examples. This was more than your average lecture as Lui, who acted as a moderator for the audience, provoked debate and provided insight into the life of celebrities and the correlation to everyday experiences.

The partnership with Lui and vitaminwater resulted after vitaminwater hired Lui to write the label copy for the newly launched vitaminwater zero product line.  As longtime readers of – Lui’s website – vitaminwater loved the idea of making Lui’s dream of being a Dean of the Faculty of Celebrity Studies a reality.

The partnership allows vitaminwater to embark on a series of lectures across the country where readers of Lainey Gossip can participate in an engaging discussion that starts with hot topics in Hollywood but becomes a sociology class reflective of the issues in which we live every day.