York University undergraduate students are invited to participate in a focus group related to the creation of a Mindfulness Virtual Community.
Many students can experience feelings of being stressed out, anxious or low. A team at York U is developing online mindfulness-based resources to support mental and physical well-being on campus. The project is funded by the Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR), and the principal investigators are Professor Christo El Morr from the School of Health Policy & Management, Professor Farah Ahmad of the School of Health Policy & Management and Professor Paul Ritvo of the School of Kinesiology & Health Science.
Students can help by participating in a 90-minute focus group that will steer the creation of the best resources for the Mindfulness Virtual Community through a discussion on online preferences and activities.
The investigating team seeks to better understand the stress, anxiety and mood challenges related to online activities that are being experienced by students.
Those interested must be an undergraduate student at York University. Email mindfulatyork@gmail.com and leave your contact information.
Students will receive a financial honorarium of $20 or 1.5 URPP credits. Professors Ritvo and El Morr might also, in their undergraduate classes (winter 2016), provide credits in relation to participation.
For more information visit the website or contact at mindfulatyork@gmail.com.