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Members of the President's Advisory Committee on Inclusion named

The President’s Advisory Committee on Inclusion will lead the University in examining effective ways for strengthening York’s commitment to building an inclusive and diverse campus that nurtures the respectful exchange of ideas, and that supports and prepares graduates for success anywhere.

The committee’s terms of reference will be developed by the group at its first meeting.

President’s Advisory Committee on Inclusion: Membership (March 2016)

Mamdouh Shoukri, Chair
President & Vice-Chancellor 

Rhonda Lenton
Vice-President, Academic & Provost

Lorne Sossin
Dean, Osgoode Hall Law School

Thabit A.J. Abdullah Sam
Associate Professor, Department of History, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies

Faisal Bhabha
Associate Professor, Osgoode Hall Law School 

Sampa Bhadra
Professor, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science

Marie-Hélène Budworth
Associate Professor, School of Human Resource Management, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies

Michael Greyeyes
Graduate Program Director, MFA, Department of Theatre, School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design

John Greyson
Graduate Program Director, MFA, Department of Cinema & Media Arts, School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design

Carl James
Professor, Faculty of Education

Bernie Lightman
Professor, Department of Humanities, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies

Roxanne Mykitiuk
Associate Professor, Osgoode Hall Law School 

Saeed Rahnema
Faculty-Retiree, Department of Equity Studies, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies

Narda Razack
Associate Dean, Global & Community Engagement, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies 

Irene Fezza, Secretary to the Committee
Executive Assistant to the President, Office of the President