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Nominate a Glendon professor for a Principal's Teaching Excellence Award

Nominations are now being accepted for the Glendon Principal’s Teaching Excellence Awards. The awards honor those who, through innovation and/or commitment, enhance the quality of teaching and learning at Glendon.

Beginning in the 2015-16 year, three awards will be offered annually in the following categories:glendon teaching award

  • Full-time faculty with 10 or more years of full-time teaching experience
  • Full-time faculty with less than 10 years of full-time teaching experience
  • Contract faculty

The purpose of these awards is to provide recognition for and to promote teaching excellence across Glendon, the University and in the wider community.

Recipients of the awards receive a certificate signed by the Principal, and will be recognized at the Principal’s Convocation Luncheon Celebration which takes place on June 25, 2016.

Faculty, students and alumni may submit nominations, individually or collectively; however, graduate students may not nominate their supervisor. Furthermore, self-nominations are not accepted.

Nominees must have taught at Glendon for at least three years.

Recipients of these awards, or any other teaching awards, may not be re-nominated for five years following their selection.

Nominations must be submitted online by May 15. The online nomination form is available at