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Political Science and Social Science Professor Judith Hellman appointed CALACS Fellow

Judith Hellman

Judith Adler Hellman

The Board of Directors of the Canadian Association of Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CALACS) has announced the selection of York Political Science and Social Science Professor Judith Adler Hellman as the recipient of the association's 2016 Distinguished Fellow Award. The distinction is conferred on individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to CALACS. Hellman served as editor of the CJLACS from 2001 to 2004, she was the track chair on the CALACS Conference Program Committees, and member of the Executive Committee from 2001 to 2006.

In announcing the selection, CALACS President Julian Durazo Herrmann noted Hellman’s contribution to CALAC’s mission to provide a forum for scholars, policy makers, NGOs in Canada and throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. In particular, he cited Hellman’s broad contribution to the field through her own scholarly and popular writings, undergraduate and graduate teaching, work on the editorial boards of half a dozen journals and magazines in the field, and service in York University’s Latin American and Caribbean Studies program and the Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean.

The Distinguished Fellow Award will be conferred in a ceremony at the CALACS Congress in Calgary, Alta., in June. A special panel in Hellman’s honour involving colleagues and former students will be held on the final day of the congress.