York Vice-President Academic & Provost Rhonda Lenton and Vice-President Finance & Administration Gary Brewer are pleased to announce the release of the IIRP Working Group Reports to the community:
The Institutional Integrated Resource Plan (IIRP ) Working Group Reports are the culmination of a significant amount of work and careful consideration by many people. We would like to thank all members of the Working Groups for their contributions and the Working Group Co-chairs for their leadership through the report development process, as well as the many York community members who provided input, support, and expertise to the Working Groups.
The Working Group Reports provide recommendations for the implementation of the IIRP (endorsed by Senate in September, 2015) aimed at advancing the University’s Academic Plan 2015 – 2020 (UAP) and White Paper 2010 – 2020. The nine Working Groups are listed below aligned with the strategic priorities of the UAP.
UAP 2015 – 2020 Priorities and IIRP Working Groups
- Innovative, quality programs for academic excellence: Working Group on Enhancing Quality Academic Programs, and the Working Group on Graduate Education & Faculty of Graduate Studies
- Advanced exploration, innovation and achievement in scholarship, research, and related creative activities: PIER
- Teaching and Learning Excellence: Working Group on Quality of Teaching and Learning, Working Group on Experiential Education, and the Working Group on Technology Enhanced Learning
- Student-centred approach: Working Group on Student Advising
- Enhanced campus experience: Working Group on the Campus Experience
- Enabling the plan: Working Group on Quality Administrative Services
The reports offer a concrete set of initiatives for each recommendation made, many of which are already under way, for example in relation to eLearning and experiential education. It is relevant to note that these reports complement the many other activities that are in progress to advance the University’s vision and priorities including Faculty plans to enhance program quality and divisional plans to strengthen services as articulated in local level Integrated Resource Plans (IRPs). While some initiatives can be supported by existing processes and resources, others will require additional investments within a context of budget constraints. As it will not be possible to undertake all the initiatives proposed, at least not simultaneously, we will need to identify those recommendations and initiatives that we feel hold the best potential for catapulting us towards achieving our academic goals.
Over the next few months we will be seeking input from the community on the recommendations and initiatives in the IIRP Working Group Reports that are thought to have the most impact in advancing the White Paper and UAP, and how to most effectively move forward with their implementation. Venues for consultations will include Faculty Council meetings, APPRC Forums on the Keele and Glendon Campuses, Senate, and the President’s Town Hall.
The next step will involve the development of an IIRP Implementation Plan identifying the recommendations and initiatives that the University will focus on over the next four years in combination with local level plans. It is intended that the IIRP Implementation Plan will shape resource allocation decisions to ensure alignment of activities and investments across the institution in support of the achievement of our goals.
At this time we are encouraging all community members – faculty, staff, and students -- to read the IIRP Working Group Reports and engage in the community consultations. The illustration below provides an outline of the activities and timeline for the development of the IIRP Implementation Plan and subsequent evaluation of progress towards achieving our goals.
Faculty and staff can access the reports via YULink https://yulink-new.yorku.ca/group/iirp/working-groups using Passport York credentials. The reports will be made available to students through the student portal. Further details with regard to the consultation opportunities will be provided in the near future.