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Reminder: Register soon for open forums on IIRP reports and recommendations

The Academic Policy, Planning and Research Committee (APPRC) is sponsoring a series of forums on the reports and recommendations of Institutional Integrated Resource Plan (IIRP) working groups. The forums are open to the University community. Faculty, staff and students are invited to attend and participate in these important discussions.

The events will be held on both the Glendon and Keele campuses and everyone is welcome to attend more than one forum.  The schedule is as follows:

  • Thursday, Oct. 20, from 9am to 12pm at the Glendon campus, BMO SkyRoom, 3rd Floor, Centre of Excellence.
  • Tuesday, Oct. 25, from 9am to 12pm at the Keele campus, 519 Kaneff Tower and adjacent areas.
  • Wednesday, Oct. 26, from 9am to 12pm at the Keele campus, Founders Assembly Hall, 152 Founders College.

The forums will begin with remarks by Vice President Academic and Provost Rhonda Lenton and Vice-President Finance and Administration Gary Brewer.

These events offer opportunities for timely, in-depth explorations of academic planning opportunities pivoting around IIRP initiatives that are designed to advance University Academic Plan 2015-2020 objectives. Each forum will feature two break-out sessions led by members of the Academic Policy, Planning and Research Committee and representatives of the working groups.

Participants should prepare by reading the reports prepared by the IIRP working groups.

For more details, to access the working group documents and to complete an RSVP for one or more forums, follow this link

A link to the forums website is also found on the APPRC pages under "Related Resources."

For additional information, contact Robert Everett of the University Secretariat, by email to