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The Economist Ranks Schulich School of Business No. 1 in Canada

The Economist magazine ranked the MBA program at York University’s Schulich School of Business No. 1 in Canada in the magazine’s annual survey of the world’s top 100 MBA programs. This marks the 14th straight year that Schulich has placed No. 1 in Canada.

In addition to finishing first among Canadian business schools, Schulich ranked 56th overall and 19th in the world among non-U.S. schools. Only two other Canadian business schools made The Economist‘s Top 100 list: the Ivey School of Business, which ranked 59th; and the Smith School of Business at Queen’s University, which ranked 79th.

Twenty percent of the overall ranking score is salary-related and based on results in the categories of Post-MBA Salary (15 per cent) and Salary Increase (5 per cent), as measured in U.S. dollars. The steep drop during the past year in the value of the Canadian dollar vis-à-vis the U.S. dollar had a significant impact on the performance of all Canadian schools in the Economist MBA Ranking.

To view the complete results, visit

The following are some of the key highlights regarding Schulich in this year’s The Economist ranking:

  • Schulich ranked third in the world in the category of Recruiter Diversity (the number of industries represented by recruiters who hire Schulich graduates) – a reflection of the broad range of industry and functional specializations offered at the School.
  • Schulich ranked fifth in the world in the number of overseas alumni chapters (Schulich has 87 alumni chapters in 62 countries and approximately 30,000 alumni working in over 90 countries).
  • Schulich ranked ninth in the world in the category of Salary Increase – a measurement that captures the percentage by which salaries increased pre-MBA to post-MBA.
  • Schulich ranked 21st in the world in the category of Faculty Quality, a combined measure comprised of faculty/student ratio, percentage of faculty with a PhD, and a student assessment of faculty.

The Economist survey is the only major global ranking that rates business schools on criteria deemed most important to MBA students and alumni – everything from diversity of career opportunities to earning potential and networking opportunities.

According to The Economist, the magazine ranks full-time MBA programs on their ability to provide students with the things that they themselves cite as most important” and weights each element according to the average importance given to it by students. Student and alumni ratings make up 20 per cent of the survey and 80 per cent is based on quantitative data such as student quality, faculty quality, post-MBA salary and salary increase, and breadth of internationalism of alumni.

During its 28-year history, The Economist survey has tracked and measured the opinions of approximately more than one-quarter million MBA students and alumni on categories they consider to be most important, including:

  • the ability of a school to open new career opportunities;
  • personal development and educational experience;
  • salary increase; and
  • the potential to network, as measured by the internationalism of the school’s alumni and the breadth of its alumni network.

“We’re pleased that The Economist has once again ranked Schulich as the No. 1 school in Canada,” said Schulich Dean Dezsö J. Horváth. “Schulich was also ranked among the top schools in the world in a number of categories that students identify as being important, including diversity of recruiters, salary increase following graduation, international alumni networks and faculty quality.”