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The York University Magazine’s Fall 2016 issue is online now

Cover of The York University Magazine's Fall 2016 issueThe York University Magazine’s Fall 2016 issue is online now at Top stories include: dispatches from the frontiers of science; the repercussions of Canada’s retiring baby boomers; a profile of modern-day ice man William Colgan; an inside look at the launch of York’s Impact Campaign; and much more.

The York University Magazine is published three times during the academic year. It is printed and mailed to alumni and friends of the University once a year, in the fall, with limited quantities delivered to Faculties, departments and administrative units. The winter and spring/summer issues of the magazine are available online only.

Note: For faculty and staff who are York alumni and are not currently receiving The York University Magazine at home but would like to, update your communication preferences via the Alumni & Friends website to ensure your mailing address is up to date and the “No Mail” box beside “York U Magazine” is not selected.