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Glendon takes third place at annual Translation Games

Glendon College’s translation team travelled to Montreal on March 11 and 12 to take part in the 12th annual Translation Games, and came home with a third-place finish.

This year’s games were hosted by Concordia University and brought together teams from all 12 of the undergraduate translation programs in Canada. This was Glendon’s best performance ever, and placing third overall is an important achievement for the School of Translation.

“Our School of Translation has been doing increasingly well at the games in the last few years,” says Glendon Principal Donald Ipperciel. “This speaks to Glendon’s ability to attract the best and brightest, to the quality of our Translation program and to the skills of our graduates. We are very proud of this achievement.”

The games feature individual and team “events” where teams translate from English to French or from French to English. Faculty members from all participating universities assess and rank the anonymized translations. The Chair of the School of Translation, Lyse Hébert, accompanied the Glendon team, joining faculty members from the other universities on the jury.

This year’s Glendon team included: Nicole Anichini, Charles-Étienne Lacroix, Kim Poti, Émilie Taillon, Brock Tremblay and Kiera Woodill. In addition to taking the top prize for individual translation into French (Charles-Étienne Lacroix) and individual translation into English (Nicole Anichini), the Glendon team took first place for their translation of a song into French, first in the dreaded “professional simulation” event into English, second for their translation of a song into English, and second for their translation of an advertisement in French.

“It’s exciting to see the quality of the translations produced by these teams of young translators,” says Lyse Hébert. “And when you’re on the jury, you can’t help but hope, secretly, that they were done by your own students. This time our team really shone!”

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