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Community consultations to help shape York's Sustainability Strategy

York University is developing a Sustainability Strategy to advance sustainability at the University in the near and long-term future. The purpose of the strategy is to communicate and implement a shared vision, inspire positive change, build capacity, empower people, harness innovation and creativity, and foster a culture of sustainability within and beyond the University.

The Sustainability Strategy consultation process kicked off with a community-wide visioning workshop on February 10. More than 60 community members attended and participated in sessions that focused on a long-term vision for sustainability at York, key areas in sustainability, and prioritizing strategic goals and targets.

Members of the York community are invited to participate in a number of upcoming meetings where they will have the opportunity to provide ideas and input on key issues such as energy, climate change, waste management, transportation, social justice, health and wellness, and many other sustainability issues facing the University now and into the future.

Upcoming consultations:

Group Meeting Date Time Location
Research Wednesday, March 29 10am – 12pm York Lanes, 280A
Operations Wednesday, March 29 12 – 2pm York Lanes, 232
Curriculum Thursday, March 30 10:30am – 12:30pm Kaneff Tower, 956
Glendon College Friday, March 31 12 – 1:30pm York Hall, A302
Administration Tuesday, April 4 9 – 11am Kaneff Tower, 901
Social Justice and Human Rights Friday, April 7 10am – 12pm Kaneff Tower, 902

In addition to these open meetings, a community-wide survey is being released via email. Check for the survey link in your inbox in the near future, or follow this link to access the survey in EnglishSuivez ce lien pour sondage en français.

For more information, visit the Sustainability Strategy website at or email