Lassonde School of Engineering at York University will highlight International Women's Day on March 8 with a two-part event featuring Eden Hennessey, PhD candidate of social psychology (Wilfred Laurier University).
Lassonde Change Makers for Inclusion – Professional Development Opportunity will run at the Bergeron Centre for Engineering Excellence.
Part One: Rethinking stereotypes of who is a STEM professional runs from 11:30am to 12:30pm in the Bergeron Centre Lobby and Café. During this event, Hennessey will showcase her photo exhibit #DistractinglySexist, made to challenge gender discrimination in the Canadian tech world. She will tell her personal story of how with one action, she has made a significant impact on the stereotypes that are associated with STEM professionals today.
Part Two: Dialogue with Eden Hennessey on how to become an ally for under-represented people runs 12:45 to 2pm in Bergeron Centre, room 125. Following the exhibit presentation, Hennessey will lead an interactive workshop, in a safe and inclusive space, to help us learn how to be allies and take action for those who are under-represented in our communities.
RSVPs are welcome on the event Facebook page.