As part of York University’s commitment to fostering employee engagement and recognizing excellence, the University celebrates the achievements of its dedicated staff each year through the President’s Staff Recognition Awards. This year, as in previous years, a number of nominations were put forward for these awards. After careful deliberation by selection committees, York University President and Vice-Chancellor Rhonda Lenton is pleased to acknowledge the recipients and nominees of the 2017 President's Staff Recognition Awards.
“The recipients of the President’s Staff Recognition Awards represent the very best of York University: Their hard work and commitment facilitates the high-quality teaching and learning, research, scholarship and creative activities for which our community has become known,” said Lenton. “These awards are an opportunity to recognize and celebrate the excellence that our dedicated staff members demonstrate and the meaningful impact they are making at the University and beyond.”
The winners will be honoured, and their achievements celebrated, at an awards dinner.
The awards, recipients and nominees are as follows:
The Ronald Kent Medal

Suzette Aleung
Suzette Aleung, senior advisor-scheduling, Student Academic Advising Services, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
This medal recognizes the contributions of employees who promote and strengthen the collegiality, values and goals of York University.
Also nominated for this award:
- Ann-Marie Carless, administrative assistant, Department of Mathematics & Statistics, Faculty of Science;
- Cheryl Dickie, technical learning specialist, Talent Acquisition & Development, Human Resources;
- Patricia Gagliardi-Ursua, post-award administrator, Office of the Dean, Faculty of Health;
- Shawn Kirkup, senior business systems analyst, OUR Systems, Office of the University Registrar;
- Vita Lobo, administrative assistant, School of Administrative Studies, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies;
- Alda Lone, undergraduate programs coordinator, Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies;
- Ruth Milton, administrative assistant, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Lassonde School of Engineering; and
- Patricia Munoz, administrative assistant, Department of English.
The Deborah Hobson York Citizenship Award

Randy Pitawanakwat
Randy Pitawanakwat, coordinator, Aboriginal Student Services, Centre for Aboriginal Student Services
This award recognizes employees who have demonstrated a high level of service to students and who promote York’s spirit in terms of creativity, innovation and redefining the possible in service to the university community.
Also nominated for this award:
- Melissa Falotico, undergraduate program secretary, Department of Politics, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies;
- Raya Gal, simulation manager, School of Nursing, Faculty of Health;
- Mavis Griffin, undergraduate program assistant, Department of Equity Studies, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies;
- Marc Powell, student program assistant/assessor, Undergraduate Student Services, BEd, Admissions and Registration; and
- Karen Swartz, director, Physical, Sensory & Medical Disability Services.
The President's Leadership Award

Sarah Howe
Sarah Howe, director, Innovation York
The President’s Leadership Award recognizes contributions that go beyond the published requirements of a position – performance levels that foster a high level of professionalism and usually extend beyond an individual department into the University community at large.
Also nominated for this award:
- David Bell, executive director, Development & Alumni Relations, External Relations & Alumni Affairs, Schulich School of Business;
- Robert Everett, assistant secretary of the University, University Secretariat;
- Margaret Hough, director Research & Partnerships, Office of the Dean, Faculty of Science;
- Helen McLellan, executive officer, Office of the Dean, Faculty of Science;
- Zam Mohammed, human resources business parter, Advancement Services & Operations;
- Salvatore Paneduro, accreditation strategist, Office of the Dean, Lassonde School of Engineering;
- Cameron Rogers, assistant comptroller and budget manager, Office of Budgets & Planning, Finance; and
- Brad Sheeller, manager, Health Safety & Compliance, Office of the Dean, Faculty of Science.
The President's Voice of York Award

Shaila Khan
Shaila Khan, student transition programs coordinator, Student Community & Leadership Development
The Voice of York Award is given to an individual who is a first-line-of-contact person at York University. The most important voice of York is the one who makes the first contact with a visitor or a community member. Compassion and professionalism, particularly in handling difficult or sensitive situations, is essential to our work at York University.
Also nominated for this award:
- Carolyn Cross, administrative secretary, Department of Politics, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies;
- Josiane Kwan-Tat, administrative assistant, Department of French Studies;
- Libi Lancia, administrative assistant, Department of Science & Technology Studies, Faculty of Science;
- Andrew Little, campus relations official, Security Services, Department of Community Safety;
- Primrose Miranda, graduate program assistant, Department of Mathematics & Statistics, Faculty of Science;
- Tara McMillen, student advisor/recruitment coordinator;
- Dharti Patel, first year undergraduate program assistant, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science; and
- Anne Ralph, undergraduate program assistant, Department of Geography, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies.
The Phyllis Clark Campus Service Award

Tom Hammond
Tom Hammond, custodian, evenings, York University Apartments, Campus Services & Business Operations
This award is presented annually to a non-academic employee of York University who has made exemplary contributions to the operations of either of York’s campuses in terms of efficiency, cleanliness, safety, security and/or other campus or plant services.
Also nominated for this award:
- Penny O'Connor, custodian-team leader, Custodial Services, Campus Services & Business Operations;
- Marisa Politi, custodian days, Custodial Services, Campus Services & Business; and
- Jason Springer, senior security official, Investigations, Department of Community Services.
The Gary Brewer Emerging Leader Award

Lisa Rumiel
Lisa Rumiel, manager, Research Priorities & Strategic Partnerships, Office of the Dean, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
This award is presented annually to a non-academic employee of York University who has shown tremendous promise for assuming a leadership role at the University, is known for their innovative and meaningful contributions to the effectiveness of their unit and has significantly contributed to the University’s commitment to excellence. The award recognizes and encourages early-career professionals who have demonstrated significant promise of leadership in their career.
Also nominated for this award:
- Anesa Albert, executive assistant to the Dean and AVP Graduate, Office of the Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies;
- Dimitra Markatas, executive assistant , Office of the Dean, Faculty of Science;
- Adam Duncan, student academic advisor, Academic Advising, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies;
- Boris Remes, assistant director, Recruitment & Admissions, Student Services & International Relations, Schulich School of Business; and
- Amanda Sartori, student life coordinator, Office of Student Affairs.
The Harriet Lewis Team Award for Service Excellence

Information Technology Services, Glendon Campus
- Information Technology Services, Glendon Campus
- Aladin Alaily, director, Information Technology Services, Glendon Campus
- Duncan Appleton, new media technologist, Information Technology Services, Glendon Campus
- Kevin James Friedberg, operations and events technician, Information Technology Services, Glendon Campus
- Mireille Kasembe Nyindu, administrative coordinator, Information Technology Services, Glendon Campus
- Luc Mallet, systems administrator, Glendon Information Technology Services
- Johanna Parrales, web programmer, Glendon Information Technology Services
- Patrick Thibaudeau, manager, Information Systems & Technology Enhanced Learning, Information Technology Services, Glendon Campus
This award recognizes a team’s excellence in service and support to students, faculty, staff and/or other service users and its promotion of the York spirit in terms of imagination, creativity, innovation and redefining the possible in service to York’s community (internal or external).
Also nominated for this award:
1. Department of Psychology, Graduate Office
- Lori-Anne Santos, administrative assistant Graduate Program
- Freda Ann Soltau, graduate program secretary
- Barbara Thurston, graduate program secretary
2. Administrative Team, School of Kinesiology and Health Science
- Laura Austen, administrative assistant to the Chair
- Marco Colavecchia, undergraduate lab technician
- Monica Hamilton Elliot, administrative assistant
- Frances Koulougliotis, undergraduate program assistant
- Stephanie Marston, graduate program assistant
- Megan O’Brien, undergraduate program secretary
- Maria Pestrin, undergraduate program assistant
- Mary Saad, undergraduate academic advisor
3. Office of Institutional Planning and Analysis
- Iris An, senior financial analyst
- Sarah Cantrell, assistant vice-president
- Patrick Cernea, business intelligence strategist
- Stephen Childs, senior institutional analyst, Surveys and Special Projects
- Mark Conrad, director, Institutional Enrolment and Resource Planning
- Sylvia Xieqing Lin, senior institutional analyst, Research and Special Projects
- Mira Miller, senior institutional analyst
- Sonia Pettinella, senior advisor, Policy and Process
- Josephine Tang, SAS programmer
- Melissa Schiralli, administrative coordinator
- Richard Smith, director, Institutional Research, Reporting and Analysis
- Syed Azizuddin Quadri, senior SAS technical advisor
4. Technical Service Department, Faculty of Science
- Sherryl Deane, storekeeper
- Jerry Grech, machine shop coordinator
- Tyrone Lew, electronics engineering technical
- Wilfred Stein, machine stop technician
- Dirk Verdoold, glassblower
- Amal Youssef, storekeeper
5. Premier Events Team
- Aldo Altomare, director, Security Services, Department of Community Safety
- Paul Benoit, assistant manager, Security Operations, Security Services, Department of Community Safety
- Nicole Arsenault, manager, Transportation and Student Services, Campus Services and Business Operations
- Pamela Boyce-Richard, manager, Parking Operations, Campus Services and Business Operations
- Ron Carpentier, manager, Business Development, Athletics and Reaction
- Jonathan Cevallos, coordinator, Building Production, Athletics and Recreation
- Peter Colasante, interim manager, Corrective Maintenance, Campus Services and Business Operations
- Christopher Collins, manager, Security Training and Standards Security Services, Department of Community Safety
- Michael Daigle, manager, Network Operations, UIT
- Kim Flear, Accommodation and Conference Services, Campus Services and Business Operations
- Meagan Heath, manager, Facility Operations, Athletics and Recreation
- Valerio Larivera, supervisor, Grounds Management, Grounds, Fleet and Waste Management, Campus Services and Business Operations
- Andrew Little, campus relations official, Security Services, Department of Community Safety
- Ted Malkos, manager, Parking Facilities, Parking Operations, Campus Services and Business Operations
- Randy Pitawanakwat, coordinator, Aboriginal Student Services, Centre for Aboriginal Student Services
- Gui Politano, operations supervisor, Evening Shift, Custodial Services, Campus Services and Business Operations
- Eriks Rugelis, manager, Network Development, Network Development, UIT
- Cassandra Russo, coordinator, Business Development, Athletics and Recreation
- Joseph Sanguedolce, manager, Custodial Services, Campus Services and Business Operations
- Dragan Spasojevic, manager, Community Relations and Crime Prevention, Security Services, Department of Community Safety
- Ronald Tapley, manager, Investigations and Threat Assessment, Security Services, Department of Community Safety
- Kim Tapp, operations supervisor, day shift, Custodial Services, Campus Services and Business Operations
- Manny Troitino, coordinator, Facility Operations, Athletics and Recreations
- Braeden Urbanek, manager, Accommodation and Conference Services, Campus Services and Business Operations
- Pat Quinn, supervisor, Zone 1, Maintenance, Campus Services and Business Operations
6. Subway Safety Team
- Aldo Altomare, director, Security Services, Department of Community Safety
- Nicole Arsenault, manager, Transportation and Student Services, Transportation Services, Campus Services and Business Operations
- Katherine Branton, manager, Emergency Preparedness Program, Office of Emergency Preparedness, Community Safety Department
- Joanne Cary, associate director, Administration, HR Services – CSBO, Human Resources
- Christopher Collins, manager, Security Training and Standards, Security Services, Department of Community Safety
- Rob Finlayson, manager, Learning Technologies, Learning Technology Services, UIT
- Sheila Forshaw, executive director, Resources, Vice-Provost Students
- Jay Majithia, health and safety advisor, Health, Safety and Employee Well-Being, Human Resources
- Paul Mayol, senior advisor, Institutional Initiatives, Vice-President Finance and Administration
- Grant McNair, senior media operations technician, Learning Technology Services, UIT
- April Nietzschmann, campus relations official, Security Services, Community Safety Department
- Richard Ooi, SEO/executive director, Academic Administration, Vice-President Academic and Provost
- Steve Pottle, director, Risk Management Services, Finance Department
- Samina Sami, executive director, Community Safety, Department of Community Safety
- Ronald Tapley, manager, Investigations and Threat Assessment, Security Services, Department of Community Safety
- Rod Thornton, director, Strategic Communications
- Andrew Little, campus relations official, Security Services, Department of Community Safety
- Rose Loncar, emergency management coordinator, Emergency Preparedness, Department of Community Safety
For more information on each of the awards and past recipients, visit the President's Staff Recognition Awards website.