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Research day connects Lassonde researchers with industry leaders

The first annual Lassonde Research Day took place at the Bergeron Centre on Thursday, June 14.

Guests at Lassonde's research day learned about the Lassonde School of Engineering's research facilities

The event was co-sponsored by the Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), the Office of the Vice-President Research and Innovation, and the Lassonde School of Engineering. More than 60 industry partners, 230 attendees and seven representatives from government funding agencies and partners took part in the event.

After opening remarks by Lassonde School of Engineering Interim Dean Richard Hornsey, researchers from a wide range of disciplines presented their work. The agenda was varied and featured a combination of interactive presentations and posters of projects. The projects addressed a number of research areas in the engineering school, including sustainability, machine learning and data science, space engineering, materials testing and more.

Researchers also had an opportunity to connect with industry partners to discuss how their current research projects can solve existing and future problems, and how they could work together in the future to commercialize solutions.

Lassonde researchers and graduate students then offered tours of labs and other Bergeron research facilities to guests.

In addition, 46 research posters were presented by Lassonde graduate students and faculty members.

Forty-six research posters were presented by Lassonde graduate students and researchers

To read all abstracts of the projects, click here. For a full photo gallery, visit the Lassonde School of Engineering's Facebook page.