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New Faces: Schulich School of Business welcomes three new faculty members

The Schulich School of Business at York University welcomes three new faculty members this fall: Matt Bamber, Ruodan Shao and Maxim Voronov.

“The Schulich School of Business is proud to welcome these three highly accomplished management scholars and professors to our faculty,” said Schulich Dean Dezsö J. Horváth.

Matt Bamber

Matt Bamber

Matt Bamber

Matt Bamber joins Schulich as an assistant professor of accounting, with research interests in education, risk discolure and sociology as well as investor-manager meetings and qualitative methods. He is a chartered accountant with several years’ experience teaching in a range of programs, including MBA, professional and master’s courses. His research has been published in several business and management journals, such as Accounting, Organizations and Society and Human Relations.

He earned his BA and MA from Swansea University in the U.K., and a Phd from Exeter University in the U.K. He also holds an FCA. 

Ruodan Shao

Ruodan Shao

Ruodan Shao

Ruodan Shao joins Schulich this fall as an associate professor of organizational behaviour. She earned a BEcon from Nanki University, an MSc from the University of Lethbridge and a PhD from UBC. Her research interests lie in corporate social responsibility, cross-cultural management, business ethics/ethical decision-making, organizational justice and strategic human resources management. Her work has been published in the Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Personnel Psychology and the Journal of Management.

Shao’s teaching interests include organizational behaviour and human resources management. She received the University of British Columbia Graduate Student Teaching Award and was nominated for University of British Columbia Commerce Undergraduate Society Teaching Excellence Award in 2010.

Maxim Voronov

Maxim Voronov

Maxim Voronov

Maxim Voronov is a professor of organization studies beginning this fall at Schulich. He conducts research on the dynamics of change and stability of social arrangements – at organizational, industry and societal levels. He is especially interested in how cultural resources are created and deployed by people and organizations to accomplish their strategic objectives. He examines both human effort and its social embeddedness.

Voronov’s work appears or is forthcoming in such leading management journals as Academy of Management ReviewAcademy of Management JournalJournal of Management StudiesHuman Relations, and Organization, among others. He earned a BA from Connecticut College, and an MA, MPhil and PhD from Columbia University.