A new book edited by Shirley Ann Brown, professor emerita in the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies (LA&PS) and the School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design, was published in December 2018 and launched in February in Bayeux, France.

Shirley Ann Brown
The book, titled L’Invention de la Tapisserie de Bayeux. Naissance, Composition et Style d’un Chef-D’Oeuvre médiévale, is a collection of the papers delivered at the International Colloquium held in Bayeux from Sept. 22 to 25, 2016, at the Bayeux Tapestry Museum to mark the 950th year since the Battle of Hastings, which inaugurated the Norman Conquest of England.
The 400-page book, published by Éditions point de vues, includes the 23 presentations made at the conference. Brown was a member of the organizing committee for the colloquium as well as the editor for the English summaries accompanying the 21 papers.
As one of the two inaugural speakers at the colloquium, Brown also has a paper included in the collection, called “La Tapisserie de Bayeux: questions et réponses." Michael Herren, professor emeritus in LA&PS, contributed the essay “Les inscriptions de la Tapisserie de Bayeux et la critique textuelle” to the volume.