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President Rhonda L. Lenton's March 15th statement on the Christchurch, NZ attacks

Following the senseless and tragic act of terrorism in New Zealand there has been heightened concern in society in general around acts of hate and the need for respect and inclusiveness. We want to remind the community of the statement issued by President and Vice-Chancellor Rhonda L. Lenton on March 15.

Read President Lenton’s full statement.

York University draws great strength from our diverse and inclusive community. We are guided by our values as an institution of higher education committed to intellectual integrity, freedom of inquiry, freedom of expression, equal rights and dignity for everyone.

Members are expected to conduct themselves in a way that promotes an atmosphere of civility, equity and respect in their interactions with others. Our community should be able to enjoy a safe environment for work and study, free of violence, harassment, intimidation and bullying.

Any student, staff or faculty member may file a complaint if they feel unsafe or experience acts that are disruptive or diminish the rights and dignity of community members. Complaints will be followed up through appropriate York University procedures. For more information, please visit York’s Centre for Human Rights, Equity and Inclusion and Office of Student Community Relations.