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New Framework for Cross-Faculty Programs is now available

The Office of the Provost and Vice-President Academic has released a framework of principles to support the development and effective delivery of collaborative degree programs that span across Faculties.

The framework establishes pan-University principles to support the resourcing and governance of degree programs that cross Faculty boundaries.  It is designed to reinforce York University’s reputation for cutting edge interdisciplinary and trans-disciplinary programming, and to ensure such programs can be delivered effectively and sustainably.  The principles build on recent curricular innovations in areas such as digital media and neuroscience to enable Faculties to join forces in offering topical programs that engage students in bridging disciplines and perspectives.

The framework is complemented by a template agreement that units can use to ensure clear pathways and support for students, and shared responsibilities and benefits for participating Faculties. Both documents are now available for the community to download.

The documents can be found on the Vice-Provost Academic website at