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PhD thesis wins Canadian Studies award

The work of a York University PhD graduate Warren Bernauer has been recognized with a prestigious award that highlights exemplary research in Canadian Studies.

The Brian Long Best Dcotoral Thesis in Canadian Studies Award was given to Warren’s thesis “Extractive Hegemony in the Arctic: Energy Resources and Political Conflict in Nunavut, 1970-2017” by the International Council for Canadian Studies (ICCS).

Warren Bernauer

This ICCS award is designed to recognize and promote each year an outstanding PhD thesis on a Canadian topic, written by a member (or one of his/her students) of a Canadian Studies Association, and which contributes to a better understanding of Canada. The award forms part of ICCS’s strategy aimed at fostering a new generation of Canadianists and underlines the value of their theses.

His thesis was nominated for this award by York University’s Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies.

Bernauer’s PhD dissertation examines the history of conflicts over resource extraction in Nunavut and explains how Nunavut’s government and Inuit organizations have come to support an economy based on energy extraction.

It has also been recognized with the Barbara Godard Dissertation Prize, which is awarded by the Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies and is given to the doctoral dissertation on a Canadian topic defended at York University during the calendar year that best advances our knowledge of Canada.

Since completing his dissertation, Bernauer has worked as a consultant to Indigenous and environmental organizations and as a senior researcher at the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. Bernauer is currently teaching at the University of Manitoba and will begin a Mitacs postdoctoral Fellowship in May.