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Quarantine survival tips for extroverts and perfectionists - and those who live with them

Gordon Flett, a professor at York University, appeared in a Washington Post story on April 17. Read full story.

When will we return to normal after coronavirus? The data will tell us
York University Assistant Professor Eric Kennedy was included in a story in The Conversation on April 17. Read full story.

Shockproofing Canada: We can make masks and ventilators, but we can't make drugs needed to treat COVID-19
York University Professor Emeritus Joel Lexchin was quoted in a National Post story on April 17. Read full story.

Does city life make animals smarter?
Suzanne MacDonald, an associate professor at York University, was featured in a BBC story on April 17. Read full story.

Why Are So Many People Quarantine Bragging?
Gordon Flett, a professor at York University, was quoted in a Psychology Today story on April 16. Read full story.

Cruise ships have always struggled with outbreaks. Will things change after COVID-19?
Mathieu Poirier, an assistant professor at York University, was included in a Global News story on April 16. Read full story.

'Everyone knew this could happen:' The deadly spread of COVID-19 through Canada's seniors' homes
York University Professor Pat Armstrong was quoted in a Toronto Star story on April 15. Read full story.

A look at when and how Canada could reopen after COVID-19 closures
Steven Hoffman, a professor at York University, was included in a Global News story on April 15. Read full story.

What it's like to defend your Ph.D. during a pandemic
York University was mentioned in a Maclean's story on April 15. Read full story.

Dr. Fauci and My Mom
Molly Ladd-Taylor, a professor at York University, wrote an article published on on April 14. Read full story.