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United Way Greater Toronto’s virtual physical challenge is back

Each year, the York University community comes together in support of the United Way Greater Toronto to raise funds for local agencies and programs – some of which impact York University’s students directly. This year’s annual York Cares United Way Campaign will run from Oct. 26 to Nov. 30.

To make a difference for local communities, members of the York community are invited to join GetUP, United Way Greater Toronto’s virtual physical challenge.

United Way’s network of 280 social service agencies provides programs for seniors that help them stay connected and engaged with their community (image supplied by the United Way)
United Way’s network of 280 social service agencies provides programs for seniors that help them stay connected and engaged with their community (image supplied by the United Way)

York University is a community of changemakers committed to creating positive change for its students, communities and the world. Now is the time to “GetUP” in support of the community and help raise urgently needed funds for people and families experiencing poverty. Participate in a physical activity of your choice for 280 minutes over a two-week period, and with each step, stride, stretch, jump, skip, dance or pedal (how you move is up to you), you’ll be supporting United Way’s network of 280 community agencies. This network is on the frontlines meeting urgent and ongoing needs, including providing food, shelter and mental health supports to people impacted by the pandemic across Toronto, Peel and York regions.

GetUP – United Way Greater Toronto’s virtual physical challenge

Date: Nov. 1 to 14

Location: Your home, backyard, local park or neighbourhood (please remember to follow appropriate social distancing guidelines from local public health officials).

How does it work? 

Register to participate and start fundraising. Each dollar raised goes towards helping people and families experiencing #UNIGNORABLE issues such as poverty, hunger and homelessness.

Join the “York University-York Cares” team or register your own team, just be sure to indicate that York University is your school or workplace and include York University in the team name. Ask your family, friends, neighbours and colleagues to show their local love by joining you for GetUP 2021. Share your pictures using the hashtag #yucares.

Going solo? That works too! Ask your community to show their local love by contributing to your fundraising campaign.

Make GetUP your own. How you get your 280 minutes in is up to you. You can do it all at once, commit to 40 minutes a day for seven days or spread the challenge out over two weeks by doing 20 minutes a day. You can even share your minutes with a friend or colleague by asking them to register with you.

Register now or visit for more information. Questions and inquiries can be directed to

