The Centre for Human Rights, Equity, and Inclusion (REI) is launching the Summer 2022 REDI Workshop series on May 10.
The Summer 2022 REDI Workshop will run until June 16 and the lineup includes the Anti-Racism & Equity Series, Accessing and Offering Accommodations Series and the Gender & Sexuality Inclusion Series.
REDI workshops are online, instructor-led interactive sessions that provide faculty, staff and students with unique opportunities to learn together.
In the REDI sessions, participants will:
- learn strategies to support equity and inclusion in their own practice and work;
- be introduced to York’s new Human Rights Policy and other important University-wide frameworks; and
- learn about resources in the York University community.
Anti-Racism & Equity Series
Racial Inclusion and Employment Equity, May 10 from 1 to 2:30 p.m.
This workshop focuses on racism and discrimination in the workplace, highlighting the relevant policies and laws in place to support efforts that build healthy and inclusive workplace environments and cultures.
Acknowledging and Addressing Racism, May 12 from 1 to 2:30 p.m.
This workshop will help participants gain an understanding of how to recognize racism, how it can manifest, and what its impacts are. Participants will learn about strategies to address barriers to inclusive spaces and become familiar with relevant tools, policies and legislation within the York context.
Intervening on Racism, May 17 from 1 to 2:30 p.m.
This workshop will be highly participation-based and ask attendees to design strategies and practice tools to intervene in moments of racial discrimination, harassment, and microaggressions. Prior familiarity with these concepts is recommended. REI recommends participants attend at least one of the previous workshops in this series before attending this session.
Understanding the Impacts of Microaggressions (Date TBA)
This workshop takes a deeper look at microaggressions. Participants will engage in a series of exercises to develop skills in responding to and challenging microaggressions.
Accessing & Offering Accommodations Series
Requesting and Accessing Accommodations, May 19 from 1 to 2:30 p.m.
Participants receive a detailed overview of the rights and responsibilities in the accommodations process based on the Ontario Human Rights Code, such as those involving disability (including mental health), creed (religion), and sex/gender. In addition to learning how to request and respond to accommodation needs, participants will learn strategies that will assist in increasing inclusion and accessibility in the York community.
Accessing and Providing Family Status Accommodations, May 24 from 10:30 a.m. to noon
In this workshop, participants will learn more about what family status accommodation is and how to respond to requests. Participants will receive an overview of the rights and responsibilities in the accommodations process based on the Ontario Human Rights Code and relevant policies at York University, as well as some strategies that will assist in increasing inclusion and accessibility in the York community.
Academic Integrity & Universal Design, May 26 from 1 to 2:30 p.m.
Participants will develop an understanding of universal design and academic integrity in an educational environment and consider the ways universal design can become part of a teaching strategy. Discussion and activities will offer opportunities for participants to obtain strategies for ensuring academic integrity while also providing inclusive learning experiences for all.
Gender & Sexuality Inclusion Series
Creating and Maintaining Positive Space, June 9 at 1 to 2:30 p.m.
This is a “101” session that will explore gender and sexual diversity, as well as homophobia and transphobia specific to the campus experience. Learn about using inclusive language, being a supportive ally, campus resources, and creating safer spaces on campus for students, staff and faculty with diverse gender and sexual identities.
Addressing and Responding to Sexual Harassment, June 14 from 10:30 a.m. to noon
In this interactive session, participants will become familiar with the legislation and policies that define sexual harassment and gain a general understanding of why sexual harassment continues to be pervasive in our society. Attendees will examine various scenarios aimed at obtaining strategies and sharing best practices on how to identify, prevent and respond to instances of sexual harassment on campus.
Issues and Impacts of Misogynoir, June 16 from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
This is an interactive session where participants discuss the issue of misogynoir, which shows how sexism and racism manifest in Black women's lives to create intersecting forms of oppression. Participants explore the detrimental impacts of internalized racism as well as engage in a discussion about healing and self care.
REDI workshops focus on various themes and topics covering human rights, equity, diversity and inclusion and are open to all members of the York University community. The REDI training series is presented by REI, and some workshops will be offered in partnership with the Office of the Vice President of Equity, People, & Culture, the Learning Commons, Health, Safety & Employee Wellbeing, and The Centre for Sexual Violence Response, Support & Education.
York University community members who participate in three or more REDI workshops, as well as the online REDI tutorial are eligible for the REDI certificate.
Sign up for each workshop through YU Learn. Learn more on the REI website.