Scotiabank's new CEO choice 'anomalous but clever': governance expert
Richard Leblanc, a professor of governance, law and ethics at York University, was quoted on CityNews Sept. 26.
We need to think hard about how and where we rebuild things after Hurricane Fiona: Glenn McGillivray
Glenn McGillivray, an adjunct professor of the Disaster & Emergency Management program at York University, was on BNN Bloomberg Sept. 26.
Opinion: The important lessons we must learn from post-tropical storm Fiona
Glenn McGillivray, an adjunct professor of the Disaster & Emergency Management program at York University, was quoted in The Globe and Mail Sept. 26.
Canadians need a clear public health strategy to move on from COVID-19, disaster management experts say
Ali Asgary, an associate professor of disaster and emergency management at York University, was quoted in The Globe and Mail Sept. 26.
Opinion: ‘Moving on’ from residential schools requires more than acknowledgment and apologies
Celia Haig-Brown, a professor in the Faculty of Education at York University, was quoted in The Globe and Mail Sept. 24.
Students can earn a salary while they learn
Jane Goodyer, dean of the Lassonde School of Engineering at York University, was quoted in Maclean's Sept. 26.
The Pride organization in this Saskatchewan city voted to dissolve after discovering over $100,000 of debt
Tom Hooper, a professor of history at York University, is mentioned in Xtra Magazine Sept. 26.
From human resources to human resourcefulness
Marie-Hélène Budworth, an associate professor at the School of Human Resource Management at York University,, was mentioned in Canadian HR Reporter Sept. 26.
CBC Winnipeg (CBWT)
Zachary Spicer, an associate professor in the School of Public Policy and Administration at York University, was on CBC Winnipeg Sept. 26.
CBC Radio One 99.1FM (CBLA)
Zachary Spicer, an associate professor in the School of Public Policy and Administration at York University, was on CBC Radio One Sept. 26.
City News 680 (CFTR)
Zachary Spicer, an associate professor in the School of Public Policy and Administration at York University, was on City News 680 Sept. 26.
Bloomberg Markets
Glenn McGillivray, an adjunct professor of the Disaster & Emergency Management program at York University, was on BNN Bloomberg Sept. 26.
Newstalk 1010 (CFRB)
Jesse Rogerson, an assistant professor in the Faculty of Science at York University, was on Newstalk 1010 Sept. 26.
630 CHED
Bruce Campbell, an adjunct professor in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change at York University, was on 630 CHED Sept. 26.
You can borrow a CO2 monitor from the Toronto Public Library — just don’t use it to figure out your COVID-19 risk
York University was mentioned in the Toronto Star Sept. 26.
Scotiabank's Brian Porter to retire, Finning CEO named to take helm
Richard Leblanc, a professor of governance, law and ethics at York University, was quoted in the Financial Post Sept. 26.
Department Of Justice Cracks Down On White Collar Crime: Here’s How To Avoid It In The First Place
Douglas Cumming, a professor of finance at the Schulich School of Business at York University, was mentioned in Forbes Sept. 23.
NASA is slamming a spacecraft into an asteroid on Monday to test planetary defence
Mike Daly, a professor at the Lassonde School of Engineering at York University, was quoted in CBC.ca Sept. 24.
Surprising Findings: Bacteria Punish Cheaters and Enforce Fairness Within Their Communities
Andrew Eckford, an associate professor in the Lassonde School of Engineering at York University, was quoted in SciTechDaily Sept. 24.
The buckling-up brouhaha: Seatbelts were once as polarizing as vaccines and masks
Alice MacLachlan, an associate professor in the Department of Philosophy at York University, was quoted in the Toronto Star Sept. 24.
Bosses spying on you? Here's the most disastrous truth about surveillance software
Valerio De Stefano, a professor of labour law at Osgoode Hall Law School at York University, was mentioned in ZDNet Sept. 25.
Opinion: ‘Moving on’ from residential schools requires more than acknowledgment and apologies
Celia Haig-Brown, a professor in the Faculty of Education at York University, was mentioned in The Globe and Mail Sept. 24.
VEZINA: Japan’s ‘lost generation’ an economic warning for Canada
Alex Vezina, a professor of disaster and emergency management at York University, contributed to the Toronto Sun Sept. 25.
Study Shows AI Models Don’t Match Human Visual Processing
James Elder, a professor and Research Chair in Human and Computer Vision at York University, was quoted in Unite.ai Sept. 23.
Expert Advice: How Do I Let Go of a Grudge?
Alice MacLachlan, an associate professor of philosophy at York University, was quoted in The San Luis Obispo Tribune Sept. 23.
Why the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation isn’t just another stat holiday
Brock Pitawanakwat, an associate professor and Coordinator of Indigenous Studies Program at York University, is mentioned in 180GARDGETS Sept. 24.
New narrative painting exhibition in Callander explores cultural identity and school learning
Artina Voz, a course director in the Faculty of Education at York University, was mentioned in NorthBayNipissing.com Sept. 23.
Meet the Voices of Youth Indigenous Leaders 2022 participants
Jama Maxie, a full-time psychology student at York University, was mentioned in NationTalk Sept. 23.
Adults don’t get better at recognizing masked faces as time goes on, new study finds
Erez Freud, an assistant professor in the Faculty of Health at York University, was quoted in HealthMedicinentral Sept. 23.
More Trans Teens Are Choosing ‘Top Surgery’
Kinnon MacKinnon, an assistant professor at the School of Social Work at York University, is mentioned in the New York Times Sept. 26.
Newstalk 1010 (CFRB)
Jesse Rogerson, an assistant professor in the Faculty of Science at York University, was on Newstalk 1010 Sept. 23.
CBC Radio One 99.1FM (CBLA)
Zachary Spicer, an associate professor in the School of Public Policy and Administration at York University, was on CBC Radio One Sept. 26.