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Schulich welcomes four new faculty members

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This story is published in YFile’s New Faces feature issue 2023. Every September, YFile introduces and welcomes those joining the York University community, and those with new appointments.

The Schulich School of Business at York University welcomes four new faculty members this fall: Olaf Weber, Abu Shiraz Rahaman, Lyndsey Rolheiser and Xijiang Su.

“The Schulich School of Business is extremely pleased to have these four highly accomplished management scholars join our Faculty,” says Schulich Dean Detlev Zwick. “They bring a wide variety of expertise that will strengthen the world-calibre research and teaching at our school, particularly with regard to issues such as sustainable finance and investing, equity and inclusion, and social impact – issues that matter not only to the world of business but to society at large.”  

Olaf Weber
Olaf Weber

Olaf Weber
Olaf Weber is a professor and the CIBC Chair in Sustainable Finance at Schulich. He has been conducting research in sustainable finance since the mid-1990s and is a pioneer in the area of environmental risk assessment. Prior to joining Schulich, he was a full professor and university research Chair in sustainable finance at the University of Waterloo. Currently, he is a senior research Fellow at the Centre for International Governance Innovation. As the inaugural CIBC Chair in Sustainable Finance, he plans to analyze the impact of environmental, social, and governance approaches on sustainable development and climate change, as well as the impacts of climate change and other sustainability aspects on firms and the financial industry. He received his PhD from Bielefeld University in Germany.

Abu Shiraz Rahaman
Abu Shiraz Rahaman

Abu Shiraz Rahaman
Abu Shiraz Rahaman is a professor of accounting at Schulich. He studies accounting as a social and institutional practice using qualitative research methods. Most recently, he was a professor of accounting and director of the Centre for Public Interest Accounting at the University of Calgary's Haskayne School of Business. He currently serves on the editorial board of Contemporary Accounting Research and Critical Perspectives on Accounting, among others. His long-term research collaborators are all Schulich faculty members, and he looks forward to working with his Schulich colleagues in the years to come. Rahaman received his PhD from the University of Waikato in New Zealand.

Lyndsey Rolheiser
Lyndsey Rolheiser

Lyndsey Rolheiser
Lyndsey Rolheiser is an assistant professor of urban and real estate economics at Schulich. Her research is concerned with how spatial relationships within communities inform – and are informed – by the built environment. She has a diverse background and training in urban and real estate economics, planning, local public finance and urban policy. She has held academic appointments at several institutions, including the University of Connecticut, Toronto Metropolitan University and Harvard University. She received her PhD in urban economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and is a research affiliate with MIT’s Center for Real Estate.

Xijiang Su
Xijiang Su

Xijiang Su
Xijiang Su is an assistant professor of accounting at Schulich. She is an applied financial economist with broader interest in archival financial accounting. Her research interests range from corporate governance and information disclosure to sustainable investing. Previously, she worked as a research analyst for J.P. Morgan in Shanghai, Hong Kong and Singapore. She is a chartered financial analyst and financial risk manager, and recently received her PhD from the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto.

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