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York U in the news: climate change, detransitioners and more

How climate change is undermining Indigenous knowledge and livelihoods in Central America
An op-ed by York University senior research associate James Stinson was published in the Conversation Oct. 1.

The planet is warming at a record pace. So why are many companies retreating from their climate targets?
Schulich School of Business Professor Charles Cho was quoted in CBC News Oct. 2.

‘How will I come back from this?’: Detransitioners abandoned by medical and trans communities
York University Professor Kinnon MacKinnon was quoted in the National Post Oct. 1.

Perfectionism and the high-stakes culture of success: The hidden toll on kids and parents
York University Professor Emeritus Gordon Flett was quoted in Monitor on Psychology Oct. 1.

See more ways York University is making headlines at News @ York.

York in the Media
