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A path to a sustainable future relies on financial accountability today 

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York continues to hold a distinct place in higher education that can be traced to its inception and that is embraced in its vision to provide a broad sociodemographic of students with access to a high-quality education at a research-intensive University that is committed to enhancing the well-being of the communities we serve.

We have consequently led the way as an innovator when it comes to creating a welcoming space for a diverse student population, interdisciplinarity, social and economic impact, interprofessional practices and groundbreaking academic programs, responding to the needs of the labour market and of society.     

Hard financial realities 

Across Canada, post-secondary institutions have been grappling with an unprecedented set of circumstances: the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, challenging geopolitical conditions and abrupt policy changes at home, including new restrictions on international students. These factors combined with provincial funding constraints – the 2019 tuition cut, a multi-year tuition freeze and the lowest per student grant revenue in the country – have resulted in an unparalleled decline in enrolment and revenue. In the meantime, our costs have significantly increased due to inflation and rising labour costs. 

While we continue to advocate for the sector alongside our partners, York is projecting a significant deficit of more than $100 million in 2024-25. We cannot ignore this financial reality. 

Our plan for action 

Last year in response to financial forecasting associated with the culmination of the challenges facing the sector at the end of 2023-24, and an anticipated deficit in York’s budget for 2024-25, the University administration developed the Forward Action Plan designed to return the University to balance over the period of the rolling budget approved by the Board of Governors. The plan, made up of 17 key projects, was designed to support York’s trajectory as articulated in the University Academic Plan while ensuring our longer-term financial sustainability. It also incorporated the recommendations in the auditor general of Ontario’s “Value-for-Money” report to ensure that we stay on track with our response.  

The 17 projects are being implemented over the period of the 2024-25 to 2026-27 rolling budget by Faculties and institutional offices, and are informed by working groups and community consultations. As specific recommendations come forward, approvals as appropriate will be sought through our bicameral governance structure. While efficiencies and new sources of revenue are important components of the Forward Action Plan, enrolment is key to our vision and financial well-being. This means putting our students at the centre of everything we do – leveraging all the opportunities we have to enhance our reputation and to build on the momentum that we have achieved. Various ideas emerging from the Forward Action Plan hold significant promise, including innovative and flexible credentials and learning modalities, expanded co-op and experiential education, and enhanced research opportunities that strengthen student success and our impact locally and globally. A new School of Medicine and the Markham Campus provide further growth potential extending our commitment to access, excellence, partnership and impact.   

Pausing program admissions to give space for innovation 

The auditor general of Ontario cited programs with low demand and enrolment as a major contributor to Faculties operating in deficit positions and recommended that steps be taken to address their financial sustainability. As part of those efforts (Project 4: Program Sustainability Review in the Forward Action Plan), admissions to a number of programs were temporarily suspended to create an opportunity for improvements in program design, course planning and resource allocation with a singular focus on the student learning experience. It is important to note that the temporary suspension of admission to a program is not the same as program closure as described in York’s Quality Assurance Procedures. Discussions are continuing with all affected programs, including the provision of supports for solutions, building on work that colleagues had already begun in the Faculties.   

Forward together 

We want to acknowledge that the temporary suspension of admission has been unsettling and painful for many. The University administration is committed to transparency regarding the framework being used and to listening closely to collegial bodies about how to improve the framework and process.

To that end, all community members are encouraged to attend one of the two community information sessions to be held in the coming weeks. Please watch for an invitation in the coming days. 

Community information sessions: 

  • Monday, March 31 from 1:30 to 3 p.m. at Glendon Campus A100 
  • Tuesday, April 1 from 1:30 to 3 p.m. in the Tribute Communities Theatre on Keele Campus (with webcast)  

We are enormously grateful for the dedication of our community in addressing the present challenges and remain confident that we will successfully navigate the uncertainties we face as we pursue academic excellence in service to those who depend on us.  


Rhonda Lenton
President and Vice-Chancellor 

David Peters
Interim Provost and Vice-President Academic 

Narin Kishinchandani
Vice-President Finance and Administration 

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