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March 27 senate meeting highlights

At its 497th meeting held on March 27, 2003, the Senate of York University:

  • received a report from the Academic Colleague, Professor Dewitt on the February 13th and 14th meetings of the Academic Colleagues to the Council of Ontario Universities;
  • received a report from Professor Haberman on the March 3rd meeting of the York University Board of Governors;
  • received, a report from the Senate Action Committee and referred it back to the committee to develop a proposal regarding the recommendations of the Special Sub-Committee on the State of the University that have not yet been addressed;
  • approved, as recommended by the Senate Executive Committee:
    • the election of Professor Catriona Sandilands to a vacancy on the Senate Committee on Research;
    • amendment of the terms of reference for the Sub-Committee on Equity of Senate Executive to include a member from each of the following committees of Senate: Academic Policy and Planning, Admissions, Recruitment and Student Assistance, Curriculum and Academic Standards, Research, and Teaching and Learning beginning July 1, 2003;
    • the amendment of Senate’s rules and procedures by changing the length of the term for the Chair and Vice-Chair to eighteen months from twelve months beginning – July 1, 2003;
    • that, starting September 2003, Senate meetings shall begin at 3pm and end no later than 5pm unless extended by the necessary majority of those present and voting;
  • approved, as recommended by the Senate Committee on Research, the continuation of:
    • the Centre for Refugee Studies for a period of 7 years (2001-2008) with a full review to take place during the academic session 2007-2008;
    • the Centre for Practical Ethics for a period of 8 years (2001-2009) with a full review to take place during the academic session 2008-2009;
  • approved, as recommended by the Senate Committee on Curriculum and Academic Standards:
    • changes to Academic standing requirement for the Bachelor of Human Resources Management Program, Atkinson Faculty of Liberal and Professional Studies;
    • changes in requirements for the Certificate in Human Resources Management, Atkinson Faculty of Liberal and Professional Studies;
    • establishment of the double major program in Business Economics and Information Technology;
    • restructuring of the School of Social Sciences Programs of Study, Atkinson Faculty of Liberal and Professional Studies;
    • reinstatement of the restructured Bachelor of Arts (Specialized Honours) Degree Program in Dance, Faculty of Fine Arts;
    • establishment of the York-Georgian Consecutive Honours BFA Visual Arts Degree Program, Faculty of Fine Arts;
    • establishment of Program Warnings for the BAS, BHS, BHRM, BScN and BSW Degree Programs, Atkinson Faculty of Liberal and Professional Studies;
    • changes to the Political Science degree program requirements, Faculty of Arts;
    • changes to degree requirements for the Business and Society Degree Program, Faculty of Arts;
  • approved on consent, as recommended by Senate Committee on Admissions, Recruitment and Student Assistance, changes to the Letter of Permission Policy, Atkinson Faculty of Liberal and Professional Studies:
  • noted a report for information from the Senate Executive Committee on:
    • changes to the rules and procedures of the Council of the Faculty of Pure and Applied Science to establish an Engineering committee as a Standing Sub-Committee of the Curriculum Committee;
  • noted a report for information from the Senate Committee on Curriculum and Academic Standards on:
  • clarification of calendar copy and a revised statement of the regulation on double counting, Faculty of Arts;
  • changes to terms for AK/ADMS1000 3.0 waiver for BAS degree Program, Atkinson Faculty of Liberal and Professional Studies;
  • changes to BHRM and Hons. BHRM degree programs clarifying the requirements and changing the terms of the AK/ADMS1000 3.0 waiver, Atkinson Faculty of Liberal and Professional Studies;
  • changes to BAS (Spec. Hons.) Human Resources Management Option, establishing a 3000-level waiver, Atkinson Faculty of Liberal and Professional Studies;
  • addition of AK/AS/SC/COSC3002 1.0 to core requirements for the BA (Spec. Hons.) and BSc (Hons.) Computer Science, Atkinson Faculty of Liberal and Professional Studies;
  • changes to the Bilingual Program Requirement, Glendon;
  • noted a report for information, on new awards, from the Senate Committee on Admissions, Recruitment and Student Assistance.
  • noted a report for information from the Senate Academic Policy & Planning Committee on the:
    • annual Academic Planning Forum held February 27th;
    • responses to the Call for Plans for 2003-2008;
    • an inventory of current and planned Aboriginal education initiatives at York;
    • mathematics and statistics undergraduate program review meetings;

The complete text of the minutes is posted on the University Secretariat Web site at For further information on any of these items please contact the University Secretariat.

Please note change in date and time of next senate meeting: Tuesday, April 22, 2pm, Senate Chamber, N940, Ross Building.

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