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2011 Phyllis Clark Campus Service Award winner works tirelessly for safety

Over the coming weeks, YFile will feature short profiles of the winners of the 2011 President’s Staff Recognition Awards. This year’s recipient of the 2011 Phyllis Clark Campus Service Award is John Girardi, electrician, maintenance, Campus Services & Business Operations.

Working at York University is a personal investment for John Girardi, electrician, maintenance, Campus Services & Business Operations (CSBO). The Phyllis Clark Campus Service Award recognizes individuals that go above and beyond in their commitment to safety and security on campus. Girardi’s nominators are clear that his commitment is personal, and that the safety of the York community is always at the forefront of his mind.

John GirardiLeft: John Girardi

He regularly starts his day early so that he can review the exterior lights on campus before they’ve been shut off for the day. He is clear about the sense of responsibility he feels to make York as safe as possible, and recognizes the role he plays by keeping the exterior lighting functional. When tasked with bringing the lighting outage on campus to the standards set by the Metropolitan Action Committee on Violence Against Women & Children (METRAC) report, Girardi worked tirelessly with his team to beat the target, reducing outside light outage down to an average of 50. This is no small task, considering there are 3200 exterior lights on campus.

Girardi is viewed as a role model to his co-workers and the outside community. He tirelessly takes on co-op students who are interested in the electrical trade, teaching them his trade knowledge, experience and work ethic, often affecting them in a positive and tangible way. He looks forward to working with students, often teaching them by example that there are difficult aspects to every job, and sometimes, to solve the problem you have to dig.

His supervisors referred to letters they received from co-op students thanking them for placements with John, as they had found the lessons he taught invaluable. He works outside in all weather conditions and motivates his fellow tradespeople to raise the level of their work ethic, regardless of where or what they’re doing.

Girardi’s nominators state that he regularly goes above and beyond his normal duties to respond to their needs. He has worked tirelessly to support the subway project, providing power supply sourcing, power shut-offs, and “what if” analyses. If the power goes off, Girardi makes sure he is on-hand to explain why or to source the issue, even if it involves digging. He works smoothly with external contractors, ensuring the needs of the York community are met, while still supporting the current project.

It is noted that in doing everything above, Girardi does it with style. He takes his job description seriously when going about his work. He is efficient, resourceful and professional. Regardless of the timing or the circumstance, he is observed to be always accommodating and respectful. He doesn’t ask anyone to do anything that he isn’t willing to do himself, and if it will solve a problem or make York better, he jumps right in. He is noted as being a resourceful and honest person, a role model for his fellow tradespeople and a mentor to those considering the electrical field. An employee personally committed to York University, Girardi is very deserving of the Phyllis Clark Campus Service Award.