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York grad designs RCMP gold collector coin

A soon-to-be-released non-circulating collector coin represents a Port Hope artist’s lifelong love affair with horses and art, wrote the Northumberland News Feb. 17.

An RCMP gold collector’s-edition coin designed by York grad Janet Griffin-Scott (BFA Spec. Hons. ’83) is currently in production at the Royal Canadian Mint in Ottawa.

Griffin-Scott, 50, who lives on a 10-acre farm in rural Port Hope, was invited to submit sketches of her designs by a mint consultant who happened upon her Web site, which features a wide selection of horse pictures she has painted over her 25-year career. The competition was intense, she said, with two other artists who had previously designed coins for the mint also in the running.

“I really considered myself the long shot, considering the experience of the competition,” said Griffin-Scott. “I’m delighted (to have been chosen). It’s a fairly prestigious thing.”

Career coach stresses power of online social networks

The value of incorporating social media in one’s job search was stressed by career coach Daisy Wright, to a number of alumni from the Schulich School of Business at York University, wrote Brampton’s South Asian Focus Feb. 17.

Wright, chief career strategist at The Wright Career Solution, was one of seven coaches invited to participate in a round-table session on career-related issues at the recent Schulich Alumni Connect 2009 Forum at York University. “The traditional approach to job search has changed,” Wright said. “There are fewer jobs available, more competition for those jobs and more touch points for recruiters and job-seekers to interact.

Web site shares research in youth mental health

Academics at York University and BC’s University of Victoria took the latest research in mental health and worked with teachers, as well as mental-health-system users and service providers, to create a curriculum easily used by teachers and grasped by high-school students, wrote Victoria, BC’s Times Colonist Feb. 18 in a story about the Caring Minds: Youth, Mental Health & Community Web site aimed at Grade 7-12 teachers, students and parents. The site provides four teaching units – on discrimination and stigma, housing and poverty, rights and activism, and well-being and treatment – that come with activities, lesson plans and resources.

On air

  • Ronald Burke, professor emeritus of organizational behaviour & industrial relations in the Schulich School of Business at York University, spoke about alternatives to the nine-to-five workday on CBC Radio Toronto’s “Metro Morning” Feb. 16.
  • Susan Dimock, philosophy professor in York’s Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, spoke about the dangers of moral certainty on CBC Radio’s “Ideas” program Feb. 17.
York in the Media


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