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Ontario policy on generic drugs could have national implications, says York prof

Ontario’s plan to slash the cost of generic prescription drugs could have ripple effects across the country and set up other provincial health ministries for major battles with the pharmacy industry if they follow Ontario’s lead, wrote Canwest News Service April 9.

“The other provinces, I think you’re going to see a move probably to adopt the same kind of prices that Ontario is aiming for generics,” said Joel Lexchin, a professor in York’s School of Health Policy & Management in the Faculty of Health. “Ontario generally has tended, because of the size of the market, to set the mark for generic prices across the country.”

Lexchin said all provinces are grappling with tight budgets and are looking for ways to shrink their health-care bills.

York songbird expert to speak in Stratford

Professor Bridget Stutchbury of York’s Department of Biology in the Faculty of Science & Engineering, has studied migratory songbirds like the hooded warbler, purple martin, scarlet tanager and wood thrush, wrote the Stratford Beacon-Herald April 9 in a story about a talk she is scheduled to give there on April 13. She is the author of The Bird Detective and Silence of the Songbirds, a 2007 finalist for the Governor General’s Literary Award in non-fiction.

She will explain why so many species of songbirds are threatened by habitat loss and pesticides, how their songs are altered by human pollution and how people can make the world safer for songbirds.

On air

  • Marcel Martel, Avie Bennett Historica Chair in Canadian History in York’s Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, spoke about the 93rd anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge, on 680News April 9.
  • Alan Middleton, marketing professor in the Schulich School of Business at York University, spoke about the emerging cashless society, on Global Television April 8.
  • Mahjuj Jasim Sourav, captain of the York University Cricket Club team that won the American College Cricket Spring Break Championship, spoke about the sport on CP24-TV April 9.
York in the Media


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