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Legalizing same-sex marriages will benefit children involved

A family sociologist in York University’s Faculty of Arts thinks legalizing same-sex marriage will only benefit the children involved, reported Canadian Press July 24. Research on the development of children of homosexuals is “embryonic,” said Professor Anne-Marie Ambert. “There has not been enough [research], but what is there shows the only big problem these children face is the fact of this stigma, which is not there in their household but [exists] as soon as they step outside,” she said. Legalizing marriage will reduce at least part of the social stigma their parents might face and therefore positively affect the children, said Ambert.

Copps runs to highlight her beliefs

There’s nothing wrong with being the heart or voice of a segment of the party, says York University Professor Fred Fletcher about Sheila Copps’s run for leader of the federal Liberal Party. Quoted in Hamilton’s The Spectator July 25, he said it happens “because people want to make sure their position is kept alive, so that whoever wins is aware there’s a block of people who support a point of view.”

Shedding light on galactic dark matter

A pair of Canadian astronomers and an American scientist have, for the first time, measured the shape and size of dark matter surrounding galaxies and its effect on light emitted from more distant sources – findings that tip the scale in favour of the hotly debated existence of this mysterious substance, reported The London Free Press July 25. “What this shows is that this dark matter, which we know makes up a significant part of the universe, we now know for sure, is assembled around galaxies,” said Michael De Robertis, astronomer and associate dean of York’s Faculty of Pure & Applied Science.

Downsview Park development in limbo

Questioning the future of federally owned Downsview Park where the Rolling Stones are playing, Eye Weekly’s John Sewell quoted York University environmental studies Professor David Bell, in a July 24 column. Bell is Chair of the federally appointed board that manages the park. In 1999, Dutch architect Rem Koolhaas and Toronto designer Bruce Mau won a design competition to turn the 260 hectares into a park. Almost nothing has been done since that competition. “Rem Koolhaas has lost interest,” said Bell. Other partners have been found for Mau but Bell said the problem is largely one of governance structure. He said negotiations continue with federal authorities to provide a more reasonable corporate structure so that the board will be an independent Crown corporation, with the power to sell and lease lands as it wishes. Once that occurs, Bell said, the park can get on with Phase 1 of its development.

On air

  • CBC Radio’s “Here and Now” aired an excerpt from the mayoralty debate July 24 in which the five candidates discussed ways to improve the TTC, such as building more subways, including one to York University.
  • Andrea O’Reilly, women’s studies professor at York University and founding president of the Association for Research on Mothering, discussed the issue of the guilt of motherhood and why many women feel their best is not good enough, on “Canadian Living TV” July 24.

York in the Media


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