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Textbook and course kit orders needed now

Time is short and September is almost here. The York University Bookstore needs course material orders for September. Faculties are asked to submit textbook and course kit requests for Fall and Winter 2012-2013 courses as soon as possible.

As summer progresses, books become more difficult to obtain, even within Canada. Books form the United States, Europe and elsewhere may require one or two months to ship to Canada. Course kits also require time to research and negotiate/clear copyright. The bookstore needs the book lists early to obtain the books, create course kits and get used books to save students money.

Textbook orders can be sent to the bookstore buyers in person, by phone, email or with the online request form at the York University Bookstore Online Course Book Requests  web page. Course kit requests should be handled by email or in person at the Copyright Clearance Centre in the York Bookstore.  The bookstore Faculty pages have been updated to assist in serving faculty, and buyers are standing by.

Keele campus textbook buyers
The three buyers are located on the lower level of the York Bookstore behind the information desk. Alan Madsen can be contacted at ext. 40730 or Pat Armour can be contacted at ext. 20945 or Terry Khemrajsingh (responsible for course kit orders) can be contacted at ext. 40702 or

Glendon campus texbook buyer
Gerard Stocker is located in the Glendon Bookstore on the lower level of York Hall. Gerard Stocker can be contacted at 416-487-6702 or

Course kits
To develop customized course kits, visit the Copyright Clearance Centre, which is located on the main level at the east end of the York Bookstore on the Keele campus. For general information on course kits or copyright questions, contact ext. 40049 or ext. 40727. The course kits general email address is

Note from the York University Bookstore:
As York has not entered into a license agreement with Access Copyright  (See YFile May 29), the copyright centre remains resourced with experienced personnel to obtain permissions and complete the compilation of course kits. Since last September, the unit has operated without an Access licence. It is recognized that there were some delays in production last September, but the process has improved, and continues to improve. As a decade-old practice, the unit suggests that you submit your requests in July to ensure course kits will be available for the start of classes. This year, the suggested deadline is July 12. This timing allows for the negotiation of permissions from various rightsholders.  The unit understands that some course kit requests arrive in late July and through August. They will work with faculty from the moment they are able to develop their customized materials, and will work diligently to expedite publication of course kits. For further information, pick up our FAQs and other materials.

For more information, visit the York University Bookstore website.

Take Note
