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York University robot builders baked their way to victory

The winning team of a national robotics competition in Muskoka would like to see their robots used in space. YURT, the York University Rover Team, was one of eight high school, college and university teams from throughout Ontario that competed at the second annual Innovation Nation Robotics Competition on July 10. The team used bake sales to raise money to support their competition entry, reported Cottage Country Now and others July 13. Read full story.

Native teens urged to try law; Colleges, universities trying to reach out to Aboriginal youth
Thirty-five native teenagers from across Canada took part in the first Aboriginal Youth Summer Program hosted by the faculties of law at York University and the University of Toronto as a way to encourage more native teens to consider law as a career reported the Toronto Star July 16. Read full story.

Vaughan student’s innovative idea lands biz grant
York student Paul Clarke has launched a new company, Your Home Education Inc., a firm that provides music lessons and tutoring services in homes across the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). Clarke’s comprehensive business plan helped him land a $1,500 start-up grant through Ontario’s Summer Company program, for students between 15 and 29, to help him launch the business,  reported the Vaughan Citizen July 12. Read full story.

No “culture of silence” at York University
Patrick Monahan, vice-president academic & provost at York University, penned a letter to the editor of the Toronto Star July 13 to refute columnist Rosie Dimanno’s allegations that the University has a culture of silence around sexual assaults on campus. Read full story.

  • On air
    Patrick Monahan also appeared on CBC Radio’s “Metro Morning” July 12 to talk to host Matt Galloway about the University’s response to the sexual assaults that took place on July 5. Listen to the full interview.

York University sex assaults: information slow to emerge amid “culture of silence”
In a column published July 11 in the Toronto Star, Rosie Dimanno criticized York University’s actions in the wake of four sexual assaults at the University’s Keele campus.  Read full story.

Hudak calls for advertising spending limit during elections
York political science Professor Robert MacDermid is quoted in Metro (Windsor edition) July 11 about Ontario Conservative leader Tim Hudak’s plans to limit how much third-party groups can spend on advertising during election campaigns. Read full story.

Unique glacier research facility in Yukon hit by federal cuts
Richard Bello, a climatologist in the department of geography at York University, is quoted in a CBC News story posted on July 10 about recent budget cuts by the Harper conservative government that will close the Kluane Lake Research Station, which is located adjacent to the largest non-polar field in the world. Read full story.

Toronto police arrest 20-year-old suspect in connection to string of sex assaults at York University
Toronto police have arrested a suspect in a series of sexual assaults at York University on Thursday, July 5, near Vari Hall, a central highly populated area for students and staff, reported the National Post July 9. Read full story.

York in the Media
