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Roshan Udit plans to evolve the Charter of Rights to better reflect multiculturalism

York U "This is my Time" advertisementWhen it comes to multiculturalism in Canadian society, Roshan Udit sees room for improvement.

Udit is pursuing an academically rigorous double major in Criminology and Human Rights & Equity Studies in the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies (LA&PS). His vision for York’s “this is my time” campaign: “2029: I’m helping to evolve the Charter of Rights to better reflect our multicultural society.”

“Roshan incarnates the values that underlie the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies’ mission,” says LA&PS Dean Martin Singer. “His achievements in the Faculty are already legion, and I anticipate a remarkable future.”

As one of the largest Faculties in Canada, the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies offers a comprehensive range of programs in the social sciences, the humanities and related professional fields. Many of the Faculty’s programs offer double-major and major-minor options, which means that students like Udit can be inventive with their choices and study what they love while learning what they need.

“The programs in equity studies empower our students to more accurately reflect Canada’s diversity in the context of multiculturalism, colonialism and human rights violations,” says Minoo Derayeh, chair of York University’s Department of Equity Studies. “And far beyond our national borders, we strive to build awareness of issues of equity and inequity, issues which need constant vigilance and concrete action to impact.”

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