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Green tip of the week: Make your voice heard

York University strives to be a leading post-secondary institution for sustainability. The President’s Sustainability Council would like your input on the development of a business plan to outline the strategies, goals and rationale for establishing a permanent sustainability office with committed funding, as per recommendation #9 from the 2009 PSC report and the subsequent motion from the PSC meeting in Jan. 2012.

Students, faculty and staff are cordially invited to give input at one of two lunchtime visioning sessions:

Visioning Session 1: Tuesday, Nov. 13, from 12:30pm to 1:30pm, in Room 519 York Research Tower, Room 519

Visioning Session 2: Wednesday, Nov. 14, from 12pm to 1pm, in Room 280A York Lanes

Bring your lunch. Coffee and cookies will be provided.

Those who are unable to attend one of the visioning sessions, can instead drop in at the Red Zone on the following day to fill out a comment card with your input:

Drop In Session: Thursday, Nov. 15, from 11am to 2pm, at the Red Zone in Vari Hall

The council asks that individuals only provide their input once to ensure that everyone participating has an equal voice.

Faculty, staff and students who are interested in attending, should RSVP to this doodle poll as soon as possible. Those who are are unable to attend the visioning sessions or the drop-in session, but are still interested in providing input should send an e-mail to and arrangements will be made to receive comments.

The President’s Sustainability Council looks forward to the community’s participation in helping to create a new vision for sustainability at York University.

The Green tip of the week is brought to you by sustainability@yorku. Visit the new website, sign your office up for the Green Office program, or become a Sustainability Ambassador. It’s never been easier to get involved in sustainability at York University.

Do you have any green tips to share? E-mail and your idea could be featured in a Green tip of the week.

Take Note
