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Canadian Mining Hall of Fame welcomes four more

Four new inductees boasting outstanding achievements in the diverse fields of diamonds, gold, uranium and copper, joined the Canadian Mining Hall of Fame in the 25th annual ceremony in Toronto on Jan. 10….The night’s final inductee was philanthropist, businessman and educational benefactor Pierre Lassonde, who was introduced by his business associate of 33 years, friend and previous inductee Seymour Schulich, reported the Northern Miner Feb. 5. Living up to their reputation as mining’s version of the Rat Pack, the pair took to the stage in matching gold lamée blazers, to howls of laughter from the audience. Read full story.

Earth to dodge cosmic bullet
A rock half the length of a football field is about to skim past Earth closer than our own satellites. On Feb. 15 it will miss Earth by about 27,700 km – a good thing, because it would likely blow up in the atmosphere with the energy of a nuclear bomb if it hit….We’re hearing a lot about killer space rocks recently, and York University astronomer Paul Delaney says this is because more people are looking for them, and their techniques are improving. “As silly as it sounds I have no issue sleeping at night, knowing full well that there are a lot of incoming missiles,” he said in the Edmonton Journal Feb. 5. “The Earth is hard to hit.” Read full story.

York U leads projects in developing nations
Residents in developing nations will benefit from two research projects led by York University, reported the North York Mirror Feb. 5. Read full story.