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Kinesiology student Emanuel Ebrahim named 2014 President for a Day

Emanuel Ebriham

Emanuel Ebrahim

The judges have reached their verdict in the third annual President for a Day contest, and a winner has been selected. On Wednesday, March 19, Emanuel Ebrahim, a third-year student in the School of Kinesiology and Health Science in the Faculty of Health, will become York University’s President for a Day.

“Emanuel will make an excellent President for a Day,” said York President and Vice-Chancellor Mamdouh Shoukri.

“Not only did his application show a clear vision for the University, but given his involvement as a Student Health Ambassador, a member of UNICEF and MSF and his many other activities on campus, he is obviously a student with strong leadership qualities, a commitment to academic excellence and a passion for community engagement. I am certain the University will be in very good hands,” Shoukri added.

On March 19, Ebrahim will exchange roles with Shoukri for the day. Ebrahim will oversee the management of the institution, attend the president’s meetings, and even deliver presidential remarks at the annual School of Kinesiology and Health Science Awards and Scholarships Ceremony that evening.

Meanwhile, Shoukri will attend Ebrahim’s classes and labs, and participate in his extracurricular activities. “Given the variety of things Emanuel is involved in, I’m sure it’s going to be a very busy and interesting day,” said Shoukri. “I’m looking forward to being back in the classroom and lab, but I do hope the biomechanics prof goes easy on me.”

To apply for the contest, York undergraduate students were asked to submit an essay or video answering the question: “What would be your top three priorities that would directly impact students if you were appointed president of York University?”

Ebrahim’s winning entry addressed the need to create more bursaries and scholarships for York students who are enhancing the University through environmental, social, academic and other means; increase York U spirit; and create specialized forums for each major so that students in upper and lower years can connect, share ideas and support each other.

“As a student,” Ebrahim wrote in his application, “I want to be able to return to this school what it has provided me. The best way I see to do this is to provide future generations of Lions the best school possible.”

According to this year’s judges, including the Vice-Provost of Students Janet Morrison, the quality of applications this year was the highest it has ever been. “We appreciate all of the students who took the time to enter, and I think the high-calibre of applications speaks to a real commitment on the part of our students to enhance the student experience at York,” Shoukri said. “This continues to be one of my top priorities as president, and is the primary reason we hold this annual contest.”

For more information, visit York University’s President for a Day website or follow Shoukri and Ebrahim on Twitter at @YorkUPresOffice or #yupres4aday.