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Jacinto Lucas Pires is guest speaker at Lusophone Coffee Hour event

Jacinto Lucas Pires, a Portuguese novelist, playwright, film director and musician, is the guest speaker at the Lusophone Coffee Hour (image: Marcia Lessa)

Jacinto Lucas Pires, a Portuguese novelist, playwright, film director and musician, is the guest speaker at the Lusophone Coffee Hour Photograph: Marcia Lessa

York University’s Portuguese and Luso-Brazilian Studies continues to offer experiential learning opportunities for students through its Lusophone Coffee Hour series (Café Lusófono), which returns on Oct. 27.

The event will present guest speaker Jacinto Lucas Pires, a Portuguese novelist, playwright, film director and musician, from 1:15 to 2:15pm in the Sound and Moving Image Library (SMIL) screening room (Scott Library).

The-True-Actor-CoverHis novel The True Actor won the 2013 Domingos da Silva Teixeira Distinguished Literature Award for the best book published in Portugal in the past two years. Lucas Pires also won the prestigious Prémio Europa-David Mourão-Ferreira in 2008.

He has written novels, short stories, non-fiction and children’s books, as well as several plays staged by different theatre groups. He has also written and directed three short films, and is currently finishing his first feature film.

He plays with the band Os Quais, has a weekly op-ed musical act on TSF radio, and runs the blog O que eu gosto de bombas de gasolina.

The coffee hour event takes place in the heart of the exhibition “The Economic Potential of the Portuguese Language”, which runs until Nov. 20 in SMIL.

Students will be expected to interact with Lucas Pires in Portuguese. Admission is free and coffee and pastries will be served.